7 Diet and Fitness Rumors that Slow down Weight Loss - 2

5. Eating at night causes weight gain

Many people false believe that eating meals at night makes them gain weight. The reason why the body tends to store excess fat at night is that the body is less active and the metabolic rate slows down. 

In today’s lifestyle, people eat meals late at night for various reasons – staying awake until late night, unable to eat dinner at the correct time, and so on.

Thus, people do not feel hungry in the morning. A solution to this problem is that the portions should be cut down but meals should never be skipped. Ideally, dinner should be eaten 2 hours before bedtime. This helps the body digest the food properly and avoid its conversion to fat.

6. Women can't lose weight easily

Another false belief prevalent among women is that they cannot lose weight easily as compared to men. This is partly true because of the difference in the way the male body and the female body metabolizes fat. 

Males are capable of metabolizing fat at a much faster rate than females. However, this does not mean that women are destined to gain weight and become round and plump.

There are certain exercises that can help women improve their metabolic rate and lose more fat. Again, the amount of fat loss varies from individual to individual. The amount of calories burnt depends on the amount of sweat generated.

7. Vegetarian food is suitable for weight loss

It is completely untrue that vegetarian food will lead to accelerated weight loss. Although some vegetarian meals may contain fewer calories and less fatty substances as compared to non-vegetarian meals, weight gain is possible if the meals are not planned and balanced properly. Vegetarian food includes potato crisps, sweet cakes, sweet meats, cookies, chocolate, and fried food, none of which have less calories. 

Thus, it does not matter whether the meal is vegetarian or non-vegetarian. What needs to be taken care of is the balance of nutrients in every meal. 

A balanced meal should contain starchy foods rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and low-fat protein such as eggs, soya, and beans. Sugary foods and processed foods should be eaten sparingly.

