Lose Weight with Fruits! 10 Fat-Burning Fruits. Natural Weight Loss Diet - 2
4. Berries & Citrus
Diets rich in citrus fruits supply
minimum carbohydrates. These fruits contain blackberries, lime, lemon, sweet
lime, raspberries, cranberries and to some extent blue berries & strawberries.
These fruits help support bowel movement and thus detoxification. They remove
toxins or undigested stuff from our body.
Citrus fruits and berries purify the
blood and strengthen our cardiovascular system. This promotes healthy heart
& body as well. These fruits help in eliminating bad cholesterol and
develop digestion & appetite, thus leading to weight loss. Citrus fruits
and berries cleanse our blood, promote heart health and strengthen the
cardiovascular system.
5. Watery fruits
Watery fruits like honey dew melon, watermelon;
musk melon & cantaloupe have lots of water in them with minimum amount of
carbohydrates. These fruit provides exceptional hydration for digestion &
removes toxins & support weight loss.
6. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are loaded with vitamin C and
the phytochemical lycopene. It stimulates the production of the amino acid
called carnitine. Carnitine helps increase the fat-burning capacity of our body
by one third.
7. Avocado
Avocado contains healthy Omega 9 fatty
acid which is also found in olive oil. Avocado speeds up the conversion of
excessive fat into energy and improve the rate of metabolism.
8. Papaya
A whole medium size papaya contains only
100-120 calories and just 16-20gm of sugar, which helps spend more time burning
fat. Eating medium size bowl of ripe papaya as mid day snacks helps you feel full for a long time. And controls the hunger, and
keeps you away from overeating in future.
Papaya is low in
calories (35 calories per100 gm) and contains zero cholesterol. It is a rich
source of antioxidant nutrients such as
vitamin C and B, carotenes, flavonoids, folate, potassium, magnesium, fiber and
pantothenic acid. These nutrients
are also very beneficial in colon cancer, colds and flu, infections and
atherosclerosis. The vitamin A, C and E
gives you protection against heart diseases.
9. High carbohydrate
Eat fruits which are high in carbs in
your breakfast as it will increase metabolism aiding digestion and it also
balance glucose and sugar levels which is important in the morning.
Fruits with high
Pineapple, banana, pear, plum, mango,
kiwifruit, figs and grapes contains high amount of carbohydrates. These fruits
give you the required energy, easy digestion and provide the necessary sugar
amount after the night’s fasting. Eat these fruits on a regular basis and try
to eat them along with dry fruits such as raisins, dates, apricots, almonds and
10. Low carbohydrate
Watermelon, berries, cherries, cantaloupe,
peach, apples, pear, papaya, apricot, peaches and nectarine come under this
group. All these nutritious fruits contain high amount of water and control our
body temperature and help expel toxins and bad cholesterol from the body.
Consumption of these fruits gives you
required energy for the nervous and cardiovascular systems to function
efficiently. The low-carb fruits have low sugar content hence it aid burning
unnecessary fat and losing weight.
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