Coconut for Hairfall, Dandruff, Baldness, Gray Hair, Dry Split Hair, Thick Shiny Hair

Coconut milk

Coconut milk contains proteins, essential fats and minerals like potassium & iron, Regular use of coconut milk can reduce the breakage of hair. Coconut oil contains lots of nutritional properties which makes the hair stronger & longer right from the root. Regular scalp massage with coconut oil is defensive action against hair loss.

Coconut milk is one of the greatest sources for nourishment of every type of hairs. Coconut milk is an outstanding easy home remedy for keeping your hair healthy, soft, strong & long without using any chemical shampoo & oils. After age of 40, massage your hairs 2-3 times a week with warm coconut oil for healthy hair.

1. Coconut milk massage

Make some coconut milk by grinding the grated coconut (half coconut) and squeeze it to take out its juice/milk.  Massage on the scalp & hair roots properly with this white coconut milk/juice before you go to bed, next morning rinse with lukewarm water, never use hot water to wash your hairs. 

You may also apply coconut milk in daytime, just massage your scalp, leave it for 1 hour, and then rinse with lukewarm water. This will help you to stop your hair loss.

2. Coconut milk with aloe

Extract 2 tablespoon fresh aloe vera gel from aloe plant and mix it with half cup of fresh coconut milk. Apply this mixture on the scalp, hair, hair ends. Leave it for 30-40 minutes, and then wash off with lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy 2-3 times a week for all your hair problems such as dandruff, hair fall, dry hair, split ends and damaged scalp.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is rich source of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates, which are excellent for our body and hair. Use of coconut oil and coconut milk is not limited to hair; it is also used in the beauty creams and cosmetic soaps.

Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hair

Vitamins and minerals present in the coconut oil keeps our hair strong, healthy and nourished. It also protects hair from premature graying, baldness, dandruff, damaged scalp and hair loss.

Moisture Retention

Coconut oil has high moisture retaining competency, because it cannot be easily broken down and evaporated. It does not let moisture in the hair escape, hence it keeps our hair moist and soft, and this prevents hair breakage.

Hair Conditioning

Coconut oil works as best natural conditioner for hair. Regular massage with warm coconut oil helps in keeping our hair soft, shiny and well conditioned.

Cooling effects

Regular massage with warm coconut oil on the head and scalp gives cooling effect and protects you from severe scalp sweating.

1. Coconut oil with Indian gooseberry, lemon

Mix 1 tablespoon of pure coconut oil with 1 tablespoon of Indian gooseberry/amla oil, also add 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice in it. Mix them well and make this mixture lukewarm, and gently massage on the scalp for 10 minutes. 

Leave it for overnight or for 2-3 hours, rinse with lukewarm water. 

Coconut oil & amla oil nourishes the hairs, and lemon juice has strong anti dandruff properties.

2. Other recommended oils

Coconut oil (lukewarm) helps in controlling hail fall. You can alternatively use almond oil, Jojoba oil, almond oil, canola, sesame, lavender oil and mustard oil. Jojoba oil is especially excellent as it restores & replaces the sebum in the scalp. Jojoba oil also helps to control dandruff.

3. Coconut oil with curry leaves

Heat 300 ml of coconut oil in a pan and add 10 curry leaves, 45 grated amla/Indian gooseberries. Boil the oil until the amla/gooseberries turns black or dark brown. Filter oil, Squeeze oil from amla/gooseberries completely. Cool this oil & store in the glass container.  Massage with this oil 2-3 times a week with fingertips.

4. Gray Hair

Mix 1 tablespoon of pure lukewarm coconut oil with ½ tablespoon of almond oil or amla/Indian gooseberry oil. Massage on the scalp with fingertips & hair roots for 10-15 minutes daily, do not massage very gently. This massage stimulates the hair follicles by increasing blood circulation & heals the damaged scalp.