
3 Easy Ways to Remove Pesticides from Fruits and Vegetables

In modern era, most of the fruits and vegetables we eat are contaminated with chemicals. Unfortunately, these unwanted chemicals include harmful pesticides and other dangerous chemicals.

High levels of pesticide deposits in food can be poisonous and it may cause cancer, immune system disorders, nervous damage, reproductive issues and birth defects.

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1. Salt Water

Add 1 tablespoon of salt in some water and wash all your vegetables and fruits properly. It will remove most of the pesticide that normally present on the surface of the fruits and vegetables.

2. Vinegar Soaking

Mix 10% of white vinegar to 90% water and soak your fruits and vegetables in them. Stir around and rinse them completely. Be more careful while washing fruits with thin peel and the berries as vinegar water might damage their soft outer skin.

3. Cold Water

Almost 60-80% of pesticide deposits on vegetables and fruits are removed by cold water washing.

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Be more careful with vegetables like tomatoes, okra and brinjal and fruits such as apples, mangoes, grapes, guava, plums,  pears and peaches as they might carry more residue in their cracks.

4. Blanch and Peel

To remove the harmful pesticides and chemicals, you need to treat or peel the vegetables. Boil water and allow your vegetables to blanch in it for a few minutes. Generally, blanching helps in removing most of the chemicals. The other option is peeling that is effective and efficient method of removing chemicals.  You should definitely remove the skin from fruits to remove all residues of chemicals.

Meat and Chicken

Remove all the excess fat and skin while cooking meat and chicken, since it could have absorbed pesticide residue.