
6 Feng Shui Items to keep in your home to bring Health, Wealth & Good Luck

Following Feng Shui is known to bring luck, wealth and fortune in abundance. People using Feng Shui for decorating and/or constructing home never attract any negative energy including bad luck. This is because most of the Feng Shui elements always bring positive and vibrant energy. Even colours of Feng Shui are well-known for bringing wealth, fortune and money in some form. Some Feng Shui elements are famous to possess positive energy while bringing good luck with them.

You can select one or more Feng Shui elements at home and/or office. Here we have discussed some of those Feng Shui elements.

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1. Money Plant

The Money plant is an indoor plant and a very popular and common Feng Shui element. Although name of the plant is Money plant, it does not have money as its leaves. Yet, the Money plant has proved to make you a wealthy individual. Keeping Money plant at home helps you in finding luck and wealth. Of course, simply keeping and raising a Money plant at home is not enough. 

In order to reap maximum positive energy you are required placing Money plant in correct direction. You have to follow as directed by Feng Shuibagua energy map. You have to ensure you place the Money plant at the northwest corner of your home. Also, you can place Money plant near the place where you keep your money at home.

2. Fountain, Water images

People believe that having a fountain at home can make your wealth grow in abundance. Even images of water fountains or water flowing positively influence on the growth of wealth. 

Ensure the water fountain that brings wealth in abundance is placed at the right direction. Only then would you be able to build your wealth.

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3. Lucky Bamboo

Keeping a small bamboo at home helps in growth of wealth and fortune in abundance. It is believed that bamboo brings positive and good energy to your home. 

Even a soothing sign of bamboo brings flexibility needed for attracting positive energy, wealth and fortune.

4. Air purifying plants

Air purifying plants are Feng Shui elements that can be kept at home and/or office. These plants remove pollutants and other toxins around them at home and/or office. Thereby, these air purifying plants help in bringing positive energy and growth of wealth and fortune. 

Also, it has been found that these indoor plants bring peace, harmony and prosperity to all.

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5. Chinese Coins

Chinese coins are most popular Feng Shui elements for growing wealth in abundance. You have to tie the 3 coins at the entrance of your home. 

These Chinese coins together bring good luck, positive energy and prosperity. It is advisable to add this element for a happier life.

6. Laughing Buddha

Since are various laughing Buddha available in today’s market. Yet, you should get the original Feng Shui Buddha that laughs. This always brings in wealth and happiness. 

Also, ensure that someone gifts you this Buddha then it definitely brings in luck for you.