
10 Tricks to Strengthen Your Bones, muscles, joints | Increase bone Calcium

During childhood and adolescence, most of the bone growth and bone density in the body takes place. Amongst girls, their maximum bone density reaches when they are 18 years old. Meanwhile, amongst boys maximum bone density reaches when they are 20 years old. In adulthood, it is essential to maintain the bone density and reduce the rate of bone loss. While we grow older with age, the bone density of the body gradually loses. Especially after menopause women are always at a high risk of getting osteoporosis.

How can I keep my bones strong? 

1. Ayurveda for strong bones

Warm sesame oil massages increases our bone strength.  Ayurveda also suggests drinking warm milk along with teaspoon of roasted sesame seeds.

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2. Get enough vitamin D

Vitamin D helps you absorb calcium in foods. Add sources of vitamin D in your regular diet such as: Milk, Egg yolks, Fatty fish like salmon and sardines, oysters, mushrooms, cod-liver oil, Fortified soy and rice beverages, Fortified orange juice, Fortified yogurts, Margarine, Fortified cereals etc.

3. Weight training workouts

Bone tissues respond to impacts of stress. Bone cells builds up causing bones to strengthen thereby becoming denser. Go for exercises such as brisk walking, weights lifting, hiking etc. for better bone strength. 

4. Have more Protein

Bones are made of calcium and protein. Many scientific studies have proven that low protein intake can affect calcium absorption, bone formation and breakages. You should consume diets offering greater amounts of calories from protein-derived sources. As a result, this would help in maintaining bone mass especially during weight loss.

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5. Vegetables are awesome

Vegetables contain lots of Vitamin C and water, which boosts bone density and stimulates the production of bone-forming cells in our body. Vitamin C also has antioxidant, thus it protects our bone cells from damages.

6. Sunlight Vitamin D

Although sun causes skin cancer, it is the best source of producing natural Vitamin D. Without using any sunscreen, expose yourself to the sun for at least 15 minutes daily. The best time for this is in the early morning when intensity of sun is low. You need to get adequate amounts of Vitamin D that helps in absorption of calcium. Both these help in maintaining healthy strong bones and bone density.

7. Up your Vitamin D and phytoestrogen intake

Dairy products, nuts, leafy veggies and seeds are great sources of Vitamin D which is essential for the absorption of calcium. Amongst women, bone density is associated with estrogen. Hence, it is advisable for women to consume more phytoestrogens or plant-derived estrogens. These include beans, chickpeas, lentils, soy beans and more. 

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8. Limited caffeine keeps bones strong

Intake of too much caffeine reduces the rate of absorption of calcium in the body. Adults should not consume more than 400mg of caffeine per day. This is equivalent to about 2-3 cups of coffee per day. Both pregnant and breastfeeding women should not have more than 300 mg caffeine per day.

9. Limited alcohol keeps bones strong

Research studies have shown that drinking alcohol can contribute in causing bone loss. Hence, it is advisable not to drink more than 2-3 glasses of alcohol per day.

10. Don’t smoke for strong bones

Smokers tend to have faster bone loss, higher risk of bone fractures compared to non-smokers. If you wish to quit smoking and need help, there are several centres that help you.