
Swimming or Cycling, which is better for Weight loss and Fat Burn?

If you want to effectively lose weight, then you should manage to create calorie deficit. Performing any excise and/or activity and combining with proper balanced diet help in successful weight loss. The amount of calories you burn while performing any physical activity depends on entirely on its nature. Most significantly burning of calories depends on intensity of performance and duration of activity. Moreover, it is wise to select the physical activity you enjoy most and would perform regularly. If you select something you do not care for, then you might not practise it regularly.
Here, in this article we have compared two different physical activities namely swimming and cycling. Further, we have discussed on which exercise is better for weight loss.

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1. Swimming

Swimming is a well-known workout with low impact using all the parts of the body. Thus, most people get the impression that swimming helps in burning more calories than other activities. Also, swimming helps in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system, lungs and heart.  
Swimming is beneficial to people suffering from joint aches and pains. While swimming, the water supports the body weight. Therefore, during swimming there is no pressure or strain on any joint. Although swimming can be exhausting, it offers great toning and definition especially to the upper body.

Swimming is considered as a low-intensity exercise. This sort of exercise is best for burning fats for longer term effectively. Hence, swimming is better for long term weight loss than high-intensity exercise such as cycling.
Men weighing about 70-80 kilos can burn approximately 750 calories after one hour swimming session. During swimming, both upper and lower parts of the body are used for the physical activity. Hence, swimming is one of the perfect workouts for the entire body. When swimming is properly performed, it has calming and meditative impact on your body and mind.

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2. Cycling

Cycling carried out at a moderate speed is also considered as low intensity activity or exercise. When your cycle is not of correct size and/or you do not ride properly, cycling causes injury. These are some of the drawbacks of cycling. Yet, it is easy to incorporate cycling in daily routines by travelling to office and/or market. You do not require taking out extra time from daily routine as you do for swimming.

High intensity cycling helps you to build muscles especially in your calves, quadriceps and glutes. While cycling, you need to constantly move your legs to perform the physical activity. In cycling only the lower part of your body gets exercised. Thus, swimming exercises the entire body but, cycling focuses on lower part of the body.

Men weighing 70-80 kilos burn approximately 600 calories after cycling at a speed of 10-15 mph. You burn more calories while swimming than cycling for the same amount of time.

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Last but not least

The down side of swimming is that it is considered as a non-weight bearing exercise. Hence, you cannot strengthen your bones structure that is offered in cycling. Of course, both swimming and cycling help you in building muscles, improving pulmonary and cardiovascular health.