
Why SHORT people find it hard to lose weight | How to lose weight when you're short

Losing weight is not so easy. In fact, for some people, it is much harder due to several of factors such as hormones, weight, health, age, height, sleeping patterns and eating habits. Height is one of the crucial factors that may impact your weight-loss plan.

What If you are Short? 

Short people having overall good health and engaging in similar activities cannot lose weight as tall people. Tall people can even eat more than short people and lose more weight and faster. Shorter people should consume less calories and foods. Only then would the shorter people lose same amount of weight as taller people.

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Even though it might sound absurd, it is logical. When people have more muscle mass, the metabolic rate in the body becomes more rapid. As a result, the body naturally burns more calories faster. Taller people have lot more muscle mass than shorter people. As a matter of fact, taller people grow more muscle mass because of their height.

The mass of lean muscles determines how much calories you would burn calories at rest (BMR). Since tall people have more lean muscle mass, their BMR is also high. Thus, tall people get to burn more calories even while resting. Of course, engaged in physical activities definitely plays a major role in burning calories. Yet, higher burning of calories at rest due to lean muscle mass causes effective weight loss.

But it’s not that Simple…

Shorter people should eat lesser than their taller friends to lose the same amount of weight. There are several other factors that determine the amounts of calories you would burn per day. Hormones, diet, exercise and sleep are some significant factors that have a direct link with weight loss.

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Hence, short people should not feel sad any more. Instead, they should eat balanced foods at the right time and exercise regularly. These activities would naturally enhance their metabolic rates. Thereby, shorter people can take the advantage of burning the same amount of calories as taller people.

Last but not least

It is recommended that short people should go in for strength training for developing lean muscles. Lean muscle mass help in burning same number of calories as in tall people.