If the kitchen counter looks stretched then these 3 tips will help you

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Setting up the kitchen is often a huge task for us where only items are visible from one part of the kitchen to another and at the same time it becomes very difficult to set up. Keeping the kitchen counter organized properly is a very difficult task and if it looks spread then no matter how much the kitchen is cleaned, it will look spread. We can try some tips to solve this problem of kitchen counter.

Today we are going to tell you three basic rules for setting up a kitchen counter, which can help in keeping your kitchen counter clean. These three rules will always come in handy and the kitchen counter will look quite tidy.

1. Do not keep anything near the gas stove

The first and most important rule to keep the kitchen counter clean is that you should not keep anything near the gas stove. Oil, spoons, spices etc. are often kept full near the gas stove and this mistake makes our kitchen counter even more chaotic. If you keep things near the gas stove, then the chances of it falling while working are very high.

In most of the houses where the kitchen counter is small, there are many things kept near the gas and this makes us feel that we are doing our convenience, but it causes more clutter. 

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You can try these tricks to remove stuff from gas stove

A. First of all, you can keep portable kitchen racks which will keep your gas counter clean in the times to come. You can put spices and oil in it. 

B. You can also hang hanging baskets in your kitchen so that vegetables or other items can be kept in it. By doing this the kitchen counter will not remain cluttered. 

C. Always try to keep things away from the gas. Do not keep very big boxes near the kitchen counter.  

2. A box in which all the goods will be found

We can call it junk box. In most people's homes, there are such items in the kitchen which are kept only in the kitchen slab like sugar packets, toffee, mouth freshener etc. All this is not kept in any specific place and you can make a separate box to keep it. Such a place where you know that packets of Hajmola or sachets of pickles etc. will be found. All this stuff can be kept in a single compartment and it is very easy to access.  

There may be many other small boxes in your kitchen that are not used very much or there are packets of open spices, all of them can be put in this miscellaneous box.  

3. Vertical storage always comes handy

Use vertical storage so that the kitchen counter does not look cluttered. Instead of keeping everything in the same drawer, keep spoons, forks, knives etc. separately in old cups or glasses etc. This can be very useful for keeping the kitchen organized. This trick can always be good to keep the kitchen clean. If you want, instead of spreading your kitchen counter too much, just keep all these things in it from place to place.  

Items around the sink such as scrubbers can also be placed in similar vertical storage. These will save space and at the same time give a great look to your kitchen.  


