10 Tricks to Lighten Acne Scars, Dark spots with Castor Oil? - 2

5. Castor oil with Orange peel powder

Take 1 tablespoon of castor oil and mix it with 1 teaspoon of orange peel powder to make a smooth paste. You can add some honey or rose water to it. 

Apply this mixture on clean skin for 25-30 minutes to lighten your acne scars and dark spots. Repeat this every day for best result. This combination can be used to lighten tanned skin.

6. Castor Oil and Almond Scrub

Almond contains vital nutrients & its merger with Castor oil helps lighten the scar marks & also nourishes the skin.

Mix 1 teaspoon almond powder or paste with 1 teaspoon of castor oil to prepare a smooth paste. Apply the paste on the affected areas & gently massage for 10-15minutes. It will soften the scar tissues and remove dead skin cells. Leave the paste on for more 15-20 minutes, and then wash it off with cool water.  Regular application of this face mask will give you incredible effects.

7. Castor Oil and Neem Oil

Neem oil has anti-bacterial & antiseptic properties. Combination of neem and castor oil kills acne-causing bacteria and lightens the dark skin area.

Mix 2-4 drops of neem oil with 1 tbsp of castor oil, apply it over the acne scars and massage for 10-15 minutes. Wipe off with tissue paper and wash off with mild soap/besan flour and normal water.  

8. Castor oil with mint

Take 7-8 fresh mint leaves and mash them to make smooth paste of it. Then add half teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of castor oil to this mint paste. Apply the paste on face or affected skin and rinse off with cool water after 20-30 minutes. Do this daily to get rid of acne scars and dark skin in few days.

9. Castor Oil and Aloe Vera

Aloe vera kills acne-causing germs, nourishes, moisturizes, softens the skin and lightens the scars and dark spots.

Mix 1teaspoon of aloe vera with 1 teaspoon of castor oil, apply a thick layer of this mixture to the affected areas, and dark skin. Massage gently for 10-15 minutes in upward and circular motion. Leave the application on for more 15-20 minutes; rinse it off with cool water and mild soap/besan flour/rice flour.  Follow this daily for best result.

10. Castor Oil and Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has moisturizing properties; it also contains an anti-bacterial and soothing property that destroys acne bacteria.  Coconut-castor oil mixture penetrates deep into acne scars and removes them naturally.

Mix castor oil and coconut oil (1 teaspoon each), mix them well and apply it on the scars/dark skin. Massage with this mixture for 10-15 minutes in upward & circular direction and rinse off after 15-20 minutes. You can leave it overnight.  Repeat this daily to lighten acne scars and dark skin.


1.  Stop using castor oil if the applied area gets red or irritated. This shows you might be allergic to castor oil.

2.  If you are using castor oil with lemon juice, keep in mind to avoid open cuts & wounds because lemon has acids and will irritate open wounds.

