20 Foods that cause Acne breakouts & make acne worse - Part 2

11. Dairy products

Dairy products like cheese, milk and butter can keep your skin oil levels higher. These dairy products also trigger acne building hormones. Access consumption of dairy products and especially milk cream make you more prone to acne. Besides cow milk, you can consume almond or coconut milk.

12. Italian Food and Pizza

Italian food contains cheese, fat and large amount of carbohydrates, which stimulates the amount of oil produced by our skin and excessive oil leads to blockage in sebaceous glands.

13. Caffeine Drinks

Beverages like pain killers, too much intake of green or black tea, coffee, sodas, chocolates & energy drinks contains caffeine. Caffeine stimulates the adrenaline glands that releases stress hormones which can raise the stress levels and stress in one of the major cause of acne & pimples.

14. Sweet

Increased amount of sugar in your diet can lead you to have more acne. Sugar is considered as pro-inflammatory ingredient that increases the progress of inflammatory acne condition. To reduce the occurrence of inflammatory process of acne, person must lower the consumption of sugar. You can use honey, maple syrup or sweet fruits to satisfy your sweet cravings.

15. Potato Chips

Each and every food that is made from oil & starch is harmful for our skin and food like potato chip, French fries leads to acne breakouts.

16. Processed/Refined foods

Processed or refined foods have high glycemic index and more salt that increases the acne prone hormone levels. Processed foods offer a good environment for acne causing bacteria to grow. So, do not consume processed and fried foods too much. Avoid refined foods as much as you can to reduce outburst of acne in even teenage years.

18. Coffee

A cup of aromatic coffee in the morning makes your day more than just good, as well as it also say good morning to acne breakout. Yes, research has proven that excess consumption of coffee can lead to acne. It stimulates sebaceous glands and increases the process of inflammation. So, you can replace your brewing coffee with green tea or yerba mate as good morning beverage.

19. Diet soda

Artificial foods like diet soda and other cold drinks increase the chances of having worse acne. It reduces the pH levels in your body, and the production of sebum increases. It results into the clogged pores and acne. To improve the alkaline environment of your body, reduce the consumption of artificial foods for acne free skin.

20. Other foods to avoid

Animal fat
Ice creams
Vegetable oils
Salty food

