28 Natural Home Remedies for High Cholesterol - Part 1

The usual indicators of high levels of cholesterol in blood include common fatigue, over sweating and a feel of discomfort, pain and heaviness in the chest and breathlessness. Smoking and consuming alcohol in excess, consumption of high fat foods, obesity and inheritance factors are some of the usual causes for high levels of cholesterol. Nevertheless, high cholesterol levels can be restricted using specific home remedies.

Here are few points on treating high cholesterol levels at home – naturally:

1. Coriander Seeds

Coriander has the capability to lower LDL (bad cholesterol) levels and triglycerides. These coriander seeds even have hypoglycemic properties and can have positive impact on diabetes management.

1.      Add 2 tablespoons of coriander seeds or coriander seed powder in a glass of water.
2.      Boil this mixture, allow it to cool. Strain this water and drink it three times a day.
3.      You can also add 1 tablespoon of honey instead of sugar and half teaspoon of cardamom powder to it. 

How to prepare Homemade coriander seed powder - Take cup of dry coriander seeds and roast them on pan for 6-7 minutes on low flame. Then grind the seeds in mixer grinder to make fine powder. Store in container and keep away from direct heat.

2. Fenugreek

Eating sprouts & fenugreek seeds aids in lowering high levels of cholesterol. Consume 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seed powder or crushed seeds with half glass of warm water daily.

3. Sweet neem

When one chews sweet neem, it lowers the high cholesterol levels. You can chew 2-3 sweet neem leaves with warm water twice a day.

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamons have the capability to significantly diminish the LDL & triglycerides, thereby balancing one’s total cholesterol levels. Half a teaspoon of cinnamon included in regular foods or added to water, has a great effect on one’s body. Cinnamon also reduces blood sugar levels and is good for type 2 diabetes.

5. Oatmeal

Oatmeal has the ability to control blood sugar levels and slows down the assimilation of cholesterol. It also decreases the total cholesterol levels, triglycerides & total lipids. It also increases the amount of HDL (good cholesterol) levels significantly.

1.      A bowl (or approx. one and a half cups) of cooked oatmeal is said to contain six grams of fiber. If fruits are added to it, fiber content would reach 10 grams. Consuming cereals that contain oatmeal/ oat bran with fruits like strawberries, bananas and apples would also be good.

6. Fish & Fish oil

Fishes & fish oils are tremendous sources of omega 3 fatty acids – good, unsaturated fat especially found in cold water fishes such as salmons, trout & tunas. These unsaturated fats aids reduction of triglycerides and total cholesterol levels in one’s blood thereby diminishes the risk of clotting (blood). It also makes the blood thin and hence plays an important role in preventing cardiovascular diseases.

      1.      You can consume around one - four grams of fish oil a day. In case you are a vegetarian or a vegan, the alternative would be to take flaxseeds (ground) as they are also rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

2.      Fishes that contain rich amount of omega 3 such as salmons, mackerels, tunas, albacore, rainbow trout, sardines and others must be eaten at least two times in a week.

7. Seeds Oil

Seeds & nuts such as chestnuts & walnuts contain lot of antioxidants, which are in charge of defending against aging of cells and prevention of heart diseases and even cancers. Oils of such seeds contain arginine which acts as an essential vasodilator - which aids in reducing cardiovascular risks.

8. Garlic

Garlic by nature is a great source that aids in reducing the cholesterol levels. It also has the capability to lower clotting of blood inside the body thereby being heart friendly. Garlic prevents nnanoplaque (a plaque that clogs one’s arteries) by preventing cholesterol particles getting stuck to the walls of the arteries.

1.      Take three cloves of garlic. Crush them well and boil it in a glass of milk.
2.      Allow the mixture to cool and drink this.
3.      This should be repeated once a day for some weeks in order to reduce the bad cholesterol levels to reduce cardiac pains.

12. Whole grains

Whole grains are very good for healthy hearts. Hence, it is better to choose whole-grain flours, breads, rice and pasta. Brown rice contains oil that aids in lowering cholesterol (more than its fiber content). It also is rich in magnesium and vitamins B.

