Red, itchy eyes? Home Remedies for Soothing Itchy, Swollen, Irritated Eyes. Cure Eyes Allergies

Itching eyes are actually a symptom of an underlying cause. Though itching in the eyes does not cause any threat to eyesight, it can be a source of irritation and anxiety. 

Causes of Itchy Eyes

1.      Bacterial infections
2.      Dryness of the eyes
3.      Poor hygiene
4.      Eye itching and redness due to asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema
5.      Wrong & improper use of contact lenses can cause itching & conjunctivitis
6.      Warm climate may increase itching of the eyes
7.      Sensitivity to particular cosmetics may cause redness & itching of the eyes.

Generally antihistamine drops are used to soothe eye itching created by unfavorable susceptibility. The best strategy to control eye itching is to avoid allergens.

1. Cold compress

Sprinkle cool water all over face and eye. After that, take ice packs or ice cubes, cover them with a clean cotton towel and place it on shut eyelids. This aides ease the eyelids and aggravated eyes.

2. Chamomile

1.      Put used chamomile tea bags in the refrigerator for half an hour. Place the chilled tea bags over the affected eyes for at least 10 minutes. Do this three to four times a day for fast recovery.

2.      Add 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers to 1 cup of boiled water. Steep for 5 minutes, strain, let it cool, and use as an eyewash. It can also be made into a compress. 

3.      OR, add 12 drops of tincture of chamomile to 1 cup of boiled water, let it cool, and utilize it as eyewash.

3. Cucumber

1.      Cucumbers have anti-irritant properties that reduce inflammation, puffiness, swelling and irritation contributing to itchy eyes.

2.      Cut two slices of cucumber, and refrigerate the slices for 15 to 20 minutes, and then place them over your eyes, sit back and relax for at least 10 minutes. Repeat the process four to five times a day.

4. Tea Bags

Tea contains bioflavonoid which fights viral and bacterial infections and can help decrease inflammation. Put a soggy green or black teabag on the influenced eye for 5-10 minutes. Repeat a few times each day. On the off chance that your eye is swollen, dampen the teabag with cool water. The tannic acid in the tea will reduce the itching.

5. Green Tea

Make an eye wash by heating up two green tea bags in one glass of refined water. Permit it to cool totally. Flush the eyes twice a day with the solution until your symptoms subside.

6. Cold Bread

Keep some bread in refrigerator for 2-3 hours, then place cold bread on your eyelids for few minutes. It will help to reduce irritation, itchiness and inflammation. It works!

7. Honey and Warm Milk

Honey has amazing anti-bacterial properties. Preparing eyewash with warm milk and honey can help to soothe and treat conjunctivitis.

1.      Use equal parts (1 teaspoon) of both honey and milk, making sure the milk is warm (not boiling). Combine them.
2.      Use an eyedropper and put 2-3 drops into your eye a few times each day. Then again, you can utilize this mixture as a pack.
3.      The anti-bacterial properties in the honey and the soothing effects of the milk will begin to work promptly.

8. Cold Milk

Dab a cotton ball in cold milk and rub it around the eyes. You can likewise put a cotton ball absorbed in milk on the eyes as a compress for an instant cooling effect. Do this twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

