Bone fracture - heal broken bone faster with home remedies
When a bone in the body
cracks or breaks it is called bone fracture. When a bone fracture occurs, it
causes dreadful pain, redness, warmness, swelling, and a little numbness, itchy or
paralysis over the injured part. Most of the times, the person cannot
move the part that is affected, as it is too painful, warm and tender to touch.
As we grow up, our bones get weaker and more
breakable, and they take long time to heal themselves.
Bones in human body have the incredible
natural ability to heal themselves, and this healing begins immediately after
fracture occurs. But, doctor’s, especially orthopedic’s treatment is strongly
recommended to ensure that the broken bones are properly aligned. Fracture is very common in young children and old people. However,
anyone can suffer a bone fracture. Our bones lose their thickness and
solidity gradually after the age of 30 in every gender, men and women.
There are many simple home
remedies and tips available to speed up fracture healing.
1. Pineapple
Pineapple is one of the greatest
tropical fruits that keep our bones and connective tissues strong and healthy. Pineapple contains bromelain; it is an enzyme that reduces
swelling and inflammation in the fractured part.
It promotes proper and faster healing. Bromelain is a combination of digestive proteins and proteolytic enzymes that are situated in the center of pineapples. It also contains manganese which heals the broken bones and connective tissues
It promotes proper and faster healing. Bromelain is a combination of digestive proteins and proteolytic enzymes that are situated in the center of pineapples. It also contains manganese which heals the broken bones and connective tissues
1. Eat half ripe pineapple
daily until fracture totally healed. Avoid consuming canned or processed pineapples.
2. Consume glass of
pineapple juice every day in the morning and in the evening. Add ½ teaspoon of
black salt/rock salt and 1 tablespoon of raw honey in the juice.
3. Drink mixture of carrot
juice and pineapple juice very day. Add pineapple in your regular fruit salad.
2. Calcium
Add calcium loaded food in your regular
diet for fast healing of fracture. Consume calcium in any form. Top 10 calcium
rich foods-
1. Milk
2. Cheese
3. Yogurt
4. Dark leafy green vegetables such as
kale, collard greens and turnips.
5. Fish, like salmon, sardines, perch,
rainbow trout etc.
6. Cereals such as corn flakes, raisin
bran etc
7. Orange juice
8. Soybeans, White beans
9. Egg yolks
10. Oatmeal
3. Vitamins and minerals
Increase your calcium intake along with
magnesium and phosphorus intake. Raise intake of vitamin A, D and K. These vitamins and minerals are very essential to repair
bone fracture, retain good muscle and fast healing.
Vitamin D food: cod
liver oil, fish, fortified cereals, oysters, eggs, mushrooms, tofu, soy milk, salami, ham, and sausages, fortified
dairy products etc.
Vitamin A food:
carrots, dark leafy greens (kale, cooked), sweet
potato, squash, romaine lettuce, butternut, dried
apricots, tuna fish, mango, sweet red peppers etc
Vitamin K food: spring
onions, dark leafy greens, Brussels, sprouts broccoli, paprika, curry leaves,
chili powder, asparagus, cabbage, cucumber, prunes etc.
Zinc: wheat, seafood,
pumpkin, cashews, mushrooms etc
4. Ice
Place zip locked ice bad on the affected
area for 15-20 minutes. Do this for first few days regularly. This technique
also works even if you have plaster. Just place a towel between plaster and the
ice bag to avoid moisture.
5. Avoid this…
1. Avoid consumption of foods
with preservatives, these food contains Phosphorous which cause bone loss and
it slow down the healing.
2. Avoid consumption of red
meat, refined grains, soda, colas, sugar, and
food that contains caffeine like coffee, tea etc...
3. Raise consumption of high in calcium
foods and the other nutrients required for calcium's absorption.
4. Eat green leafy vegetables (except
spinach), collard greens, romaine lettuce, kale, and others, are significant
for their vitamin K substance, which supports bone formation. Nuts, oyster,
salmon, soybeans, tofu, broccoli, yogurt etc.
5. Avoid high salt intake as it is
linked to bone loss. Do not consume processed foods, they are generally loaded
with salt, and.
6. Eat food with essential fatty acids,
such as almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds and fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, etc,
these foods are essential for healthy bones.