
Best Non-Toxic Homemade Sunscreens and Sun block Creams

Many readymade sunscreen lotions we use contain chemical components than necessary, which can speed up your premature skin aging and also cause skin cancer. Some sunscreen lotions also contains omega-6 rich oils like sunflower and soya oils, this may imbalance the fat level and also resist oxidation. So try out following simple homemade sunscreen lotions.

1. Coconut, beeswax, zinc-oxide sunscreen


3 tablespoon pure Coconut oil
5 tablespoon Almond or Olive oil
3 tablespoon Beeswax (made from the honeycomb of the honeybee)
2 tablespoon Zinc oxide
3 tablespoon Shea Butter (Natural SPF 5-6)
2 tablespoon Vitamin E oil


       1.      Take 3 tablespoon Shea Butter in small pan and place over low heat, then grate beeswax and add it in the shea butter, beat it gradually and gently till the beeswax and shea butter is totally melted and mix up properly. Stir it regularly.
       2.      When all ingredients are totally melted, add 3 tablespoon of Coconut oil, 5 tablespoon of Almond or Avocado oil. Mix them properly.
3.      Then add 2 tablespoon Zinc oxide and mix it completely with other ingredients. Never inhale or touch the zinc oxide with bare hands, so wear gloves during entire preparation.
4.      Remove the pan from heat after 1 minute of adding zinc oxide. Make sure that the all ingredients are completely mixed and melted.
5.      Let the mixture comes to room temperature, then add 2 tablespoon Vitamin E oil in it and blend the mixture in blender to make it smooth.
6.      Store the mixture in the glass bottle or jar.
7.      Apply the mixture as regular sunscreen. Do not use it after 4 months.


1.      This homemade sunscreen lotion has SPF 20 (approximately) because we are adding 2 tablespoon Zinc oxide, but adding more Zinc oxide will increase the SPF of the lotion.

2.      Always use Zinc oxide instead of titanium dioxide, as it is less reactive than titanium dioxide.

3.      You can add more beeswax to prepare thicker sunscreen lotion and less to make smooth sunscreen lotion.

4.      You can add lavender essential oils or few drops of rose water for classy fragrance.
5.      Store the mixture in a cool, dry place or store in the refrigerator.
6.      If you are using olive oil then keep the lotion in refrigerator.

2. Avocado oil, Cocoa sunscreen


2 tablespoon cocoa powder
2 tablespoon or Avocado oil
3 tablespoon pure Coconut oil or Jojoba oil
2 tablespoon Zinc oxide
2 tablespoon rose water


1.      Heat 3 tablespoon pure Coconut oil or Jojoba oil and 2 tablespoon Avocado oil on slow flame for 3 minutes and add 2 tablespoon cocoa powder to it, mix them completely and let them cool.
2.      Then add 2 tablespoon Zinc oxide in the above mixture and mix all the ingredients properly.
3.      Store the mixture in bottle and use it as your regular sunscreen lotion.


Do not touch Zinc oxide with bare hand and do not inhale in also, use gloves and mask while handling it.

3. Grapeseed oil, emulsifying wax sunscreen


3 tablespoon Coconut oil
1 cup Carrier oil such as Grapeseed oil, Jojoba oil
2 tablespoon Emulsifying wax
2 tablespoon micronized Zinc oxide


1.      Grate emulsifying wax in bowl.
2.      Heat the Coconut oil and Carrier oil (Grapeseed oil or Jojoba oil) on the slow flame and add grated emulsifying wax to it.
3.      Let the wax melt in oil completely, stir the mixture regularly.
4.      When wax completely melt, remove the pan from heat and let it be cool.
5.      Then add 2 tablespoon micronized Zinc oxide in the mixture and blend the mixture in blender to make it smooth.
6.      Apply the mixture as regular sunscreen lotion.


Do not touch Zinc oxide with bare hand and do not inhale in also, use gloves and mask while handling it.