
18 Surprising Benefits of Olive oil for Skin Care

Olive oil contains antioxidants, Vitamin A and E which work as a moisturizer, cleanser, and natural protector of our skin.  Vitamin E is very useful in the anti-aging treatment because it helps restore our skin elasticity & firmness. Other antioxidants like polyhenols, hydroxytyrosol and phytosterols neutralizes the free radicals that cause skin damage & premature aging. 

Olive oil enters deeply into the skin without clogging the pores.  It moisturizes our skin thoroughly and can be used as a natural home remedy for skin condition such as psoriasis and eczema which cause patches on the skin.  Many women use olive oil to get rid of stretch mark after pregnancy and many others apply it to treat blemishes which appear on the skin.

1. Ideal natural moisturizer

The chemical structure of olive oil is closer to that of the natural oils of the skin than any other oil occurring in nature. Hence Olive Oil acts as the ideal natural moisturizer especially for dry and dull skin. You can apply it to moisturize your extremely dry skin like knees and elbows.

2. Regenerate skin tissue

Olive oil is able to help regenerate skin tissue. Thus, regular massage with olive oil makes skin soft, firm, smooth, and toned.

3. Skin massage

Mix together water and olive oil in equal quantities by shaking vigorously in a jar with a tight lid. Use this mixture to massage your skin. Wash off with tepid water.

4. Olive oil with egg yolk

Another amazing face mask to moisturize skin with olive oil can be prepared by blending one tablespoon of honey, with one tablespoon of olive oil and one egg yolk. Blend them all together and apply on your clean face. Leave it for 20-30 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. This face mask moisturizes the skin and helps in maintaining the natural skin tone.

5. Skin rejuvenation

Make a smooth paste using 1 tablespoon olive oil and 1 tablespoon avocado paste and apply it on your face for 20-30 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. This mask is very helpful for skin rejuvenation.

6. Overnight moisturizer

Virgin olive oil can be used as a moisturizer for people with extremely dry skin. Massage a little olive oil on your face before bedtime and allow it to soak through your skin overnight. In the morning, you will wake up to find your skin feeling soft and supple.

7. Sunburns

Since olive oil has regenerative powers, the process of healing of skin is stimulated. Olive oil soothes and heals irritations of the skin. It also helps treat sunburns due to its regenerative properly. Apply olive oil directly to the affected area.

8. Repairs skin damage

Olive oil has high concentrations of healthy fat and vitamin E, which is a phenolic antioxidant. It also contains squalene and oleic acid. The presence of these substances in olive oil helps fight free radicals in the body and repairs skin damage due to sun exposure. They also lower the risk of developing skin cancer since they inhibit the growth of tumor cells.

9. Prevents and lightens stretch marks

Not only does olive oil have the power to help skin cells regenerate, it increases the elasticity of skin as well. This prevents the formation of stretch marks and lightens the existing stretch marks. Massage your skin with hot olive oil approximately three times a week to notice visible changes.