
Stop Premature Graying of Hair - 10 Best Natural Home Remedies for Gray hair

Premature graying of hair at the age of 20s or 30s is often a great concern for teenagers and younger adults, because premature graying of hair make them look much older than they are. But you don’t have to worry as there are many effective natural home remedies exist to prevent such early graying of hair.

Why hair turns gray?

Actually hair turns white or gray due to low amount of melanin, (melanin is the pigment that gives our hair its natural color). The melanocyte activity in our body slows down with age and our body gradually discontinues producing melanin.


This hair problem can be caused by factors like poor nutrition, hormonal fluctuations, pollution, stress, genetic predisposition, smoking, too much use of chemical based hair products, and thyroid disorders.

Get rid of premature gray hair - 10 Best natural home remedies

1. Onion juice

Squeeze 2 tablespoon juice of raw onion and gently massage your scalp and hair roots for 5 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water after 45-60 minutes. Do not apply this juice on your hair; apply only on your scalp and hair roots. Do this twice a week.

2. Chamomile

Boil handful of chamomile (chamomile is mostly used ingredient in herbal tea) in 1 liter water for 10-15 minutes. Strain this water and let it cool down. Apply this water on the scalp, hair roots and hair and leave this for 1-2 hours.  Rinse off with normal or lukewarm water. Repeat this 2-3 times a week.

3. Soap nut seeds with shikakai

Soak 10-15 soap nut seeds in 2 cup of water for 3 hours, after 3 hours add 3-4 shikakai (acacia concinna) pods in this water. Boil this water with both ingredients. Dilute the water and make fine paste of the mixture by crushing it. Use this mixture as shampoo. This home remedy is advantageous for your hair whether you experience graying of hair, hair loss, dull hair or thinning of hair. This home remedy cures all problems associated with hair.

4. Curry leaves with coconut oil

Boil 20-25 green curry leaves in 5 tablespoon of pure coconut oil till the leaves become brown. Apply this warm oil on your hair roots and scalp and start massaging scalp for 5 minutes. Do this at night before you go to bed, rinse off in next morning. Or apply this 1 hour before bath. 

Combination of curry leaves and coconut oil is trusted hair tonic for hair loss and it also brings back the hair pigmentation. Curry leaves contains a natural dye to maintain the natural color of our hair. 

5. Buttermilk with curry leaves

Crush and make smooth paste of 20-30 curry leaves and add this paste in 2 tablespoon of buttermilk. Apply this mixture on hair roots and scalp and massage your scalp for 5 minutes. Do this 1 hour before hair wash.