
7 Reasons Why Sleep is Important for Health. Sleep and Health

We’ve all been hearing for many decades about how one should sleep at least eight hours a day. But apart from recharging you for the next day’s rigmarole, sleep also gives tons of health benefits?

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1. Treats heart disease, arthritis and ageing

People who sleep for six hours or less are found with a higher level of inflammatory proteins. This increases their chance of developing heart disease, arthritis and ageing prematurely.

2. Improves immune system

People who sleep an average of seven hours per night are three times more likely to get sick as than who average at least eight hours. The chances of your falling unwell are more if you are constantly sleep deprived.

3. Helps maintain weight

Dieters who care more about weight felt hungrier when they got less sleep is proved in a study. According to researchers, dieters who well rested lost more fat - 56% of their weight loss - than those who were sleep deprived, who lost more muscle mass.

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4. Lowers stress

Like stress, sleep can also affect our cardiovascular health. Sleep helps in reducing the level of stress, and thereby controls blood pressure. Sleep also affects cholesterol levels, which plays an important role in heart disease. 

5. Keeps depression at bay

Less sleep affects your mood of the day. The less you sleep the more you get irritated. Lack of sleep leads to depression and anxiety levels. Don’t just blame the long hours at work, if you are constantly feeling depressed or irritated. Instead, adjust your sleep timings. 

6. Sleep helps the Body Repair itself

Sleep is a period to relax, however it's also a time during which our body is hard at work repairing damage caused by harmful exposure, stress and ultraviolet rays. Our body cells produce more protein while we are sleeping. These protein molecules repair the damages by forming the building blocks for cells.

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7. Improves Physical Activity

It is scientifically proven that sportspersons who get a good sleep can improve their physical activities, additionally, sound sleep cures fatigue.

Last but not least – Other health benefits

Sleep makes your skin healthy and smooth
Increases life span
Boosts your Creativity
Sharpening an Individual’s Concentration
Maintenance of a good body Weight


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