
Vijaysar for Diabetes: Ayurvedic Herb to Manage Blood Sugar Levels

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Diabetes is a poor health condition that can never be cured. Yet, it can be can be controlled and well managed. This is possible by exercising regularly, consuming balanced diet and taking prescribed medication.

In Ayurveda, there are some herbs that have positive impact on people suffering from Diabetes. These herbs also help in managing the unfavourable conditions of Diabetes. The most popular herb known as Vijaysar helps in regulating blood sugar levels. Scientifically, this Vijaysar herb is known as Pterocarpus Marsupium.

Moreover, Vijaysar is also known as Malabar kino and Indian kino. Vijaysar grows in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. In Ayurveda, Vijaysar is widely used because of its therapeutic and healing properties. Here we have discussed how Vijaysar controls your blood sugar levels and manages Diabetes.

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How Vijaysar helps in managing Diabetes?

Vijaysar increases secretion of digestive enzymes including insulin production in the body. The anti-hyperlipdemic properties of Vijaysar herb reduce harmful components in the body. Vijaysar reduces cholesterols, low-density lipo-proteins and serum triglyceride levels in the body.

Moreover, it reduces symptoms of Diabetes including burning sensation in limbs, frequent urination, and overeating.

You can use Vijaysar in the form of powder, tablet and capsules. Vijaysar enhances insulin secretion, peripheral utilisation of glucose, GLUT4 and Hepato glycogen levels. Eventually, Vijaysar reduces blood sugar levels.

How to use Vijaysar for Diabetes?

These days, Vijaysar is readily available in powder, tablets and supplements forms. Details on how to use Vijaysar for controlling Diabetes has been discussed below.

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1. Use Vijaysar wood tumblers

You should get Vijaysar wood tumblers that are available in the market. You have to add some water in the Vijaysar tumbler and leave it overnight. The water inside the Vijaysar tumbler turns reddish brown in colour. However, the same water has neutral or no taste at all. You should drink the Vijaysar water early in the morning on an empty stomach. It is believed that the Vijaysar wood tumblers last for up to 40-45 days. Hence, you should purchase more of Vijaysar tumblers to continue the therapy.

2. Soak a piece of Vijaysar wood

Alternatively, soak a piece of vijaysar wood in warm water overnight and strain the water, drink first thing in the morning to regulate your diabetes.

3. Vjiaysar powder or tablets

You could also consume vjiaysar in the form of powder or tablets with lukewarm water.


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