
Lose weight by drinking water at ‘THIS’ temperature

If you look around you, then you would find almost everyone wishes to lose weight. There is no doubt and you cannot deny that there are two major methods for weight loss. These important facts include eating the right food and exercising regularly. Moreover, few tips and tricks when followed along with dieting and exercising work wonders.

Here is one of the tricks easy to follow and that aids in speeding weight loss.

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Easy Trick to Speed up Weight Loss

You should know that hydration is essential for losing weight. You require adequate hydration such that your body is capable of flushing out toxins. Also, hydration is absolutely necessary for improved digestion system. You can enhance weight loss by 10 times by drinking water of different temperature.

According to research studies, drinking cold water actually increases the rate of weight loss. As per the data, the study tested 24 people. Out of them, 12 individuals were given 500ml of cold water to drink. Meanwhile, the rest 12 individuals were allowed to drink water at room temperature.

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The results showed both groups of people burned 2-3% more calories in the following 90 minutes. There was a major difference noted between the two groups of people. People drinking cold water showed higher resting expenditure of their bodies. This means the people belonging to this group had enhanced burning of calories even while resting. This was true because the cold water had to be heated up prior to digesting it.

You should indulge in drinking plenty of water to get enough or more into your system.

There are several people who confuse thirst with hunger and end up in overeating. Hence, whenever you feel hungry start drinking water from a tall glass to fill yourself. This would stop you from overeating.

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Warm water in the morning

You should drink a glass of warm water soon after you awake in the morning. It has been observed that this habit increments metabolic rates in the body. As a result, the body always burns more calories and you enjoy more weight loss.