
This Homemade Toothpaste Reverses Gum Diseases and Whitens Teeth in few days

Dental hygiene is extremely essential and important for maintaining your overall good health. Keeping your mouth clean and healthy prevents infections from entering the systems in the body. It has been found build-up of plaque causes increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

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Commercial toothpastes are not good for oral health, as they are loaded with dangerous chemicals such as fluoride, propylene glycol, triclosan, sodium lauryl sulphate and artificial sweeteners.

We do not need a product acting as soap for our teeth. However, we actually require a product that would destroy bacteria in the completely natural way. Herbal toothpastes contain ingredients like beneficial herbs, cloves, mint, babool etc. which are strong bacteria killers, germ fighters and breathe fresheners.

So, here we strongly recommend simple homemade coconut oil, turmeric and peppermint toothpaste which whitens teeth in few days, prevents tooth decay and cures your gum diseases.

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Why is this toothpaste magical?

Coconut oil has strong anti-bacterial properties that kills oral bacteria and reduces inflammation. Turmeric is rich source of antioxidants and has great anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, so it efficiently treats many oral problems.

Moreover, the peppermint essential oil treats prevents cavities, bad breath and kills anaerobic bacteria that causes gum disease and grows in a low oxygen location such as the mouth.

Turmeric Peppermint Coconut Oil Toothpaste Recipe

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1 teaspoon of turmeric
1-2 drops peppermint essential oil
1 tablespoon of edible coconut oil


Take a small bowl and mix all these ingredients to make a fine paste.
Use this paste to brush the teeth. It will not like foam based toothpastes you are used to, but you will be definitely impressed by its benefits! You must try it!