
Avoid these 5 Exercises If You Have Bad Knees | Knee Arthritis: Exercises to Avoid?

You should not restrict yourself from exercising if you suffer from getting knee aches and pains. In fact, all doctors recommended you to do moderate exercise regularly on daily basis. You should do moderate exercises such as walking and bicycling for keeping your knee joints supple. However, people suffering from severe knee pain should avoid certain exercises that might worsen the condition.

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1. Running

Running is a high impact activity that causes a lot of stress on your knees. Hence, running when you have bad painful and aching knees is not advisable. Running downhill is as harmful as running on concrete so conditions should be avoided. You can run safely on dirt track and/or cushioned treadmill. While running, ensure that you are wearing proper running shoes.

2. Deep Squats

Deep squatting movements can aggravate your knee aches and pains. While deep squatting, you require extreme bending. Your entire body’s weight is on the knees and directly causes load of pressure on them. If you do easy squats, then do not allow the knees go past your toes. You should never lower your buttocks below your hips.

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3. Jumping

Jumping exercises requiring repeated actions cause 2-3 times of your entire body weight on your knees. When you land, your knee joints are subjected to too much stress. You cause double harm to your knees when you land on extended knees and straight legs.

4. Leg Press machine

While using leg press machine, ensure your knees are not locked out. Also, you should not get tempted to push heavy weights. These conditions might cause further injuries to your aching and painful knees.

5. Kick Boxing

Kickboxing is a great way for keeping fit and losing weight. However, this sort of sport causes high negative impacts when certain movements are performed. These include: front kicks, back kicks, sidekicks, and roundhouse kicks requiring knee lifting. As a result, these can cause further shock and injury to your knee joints.