
Drinking red wine may help you lose weight. Weight loss tips

Research studies have proved that drinking red wine in moderation actually aids in weight loss.

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How does Red wine aid weight loss?

Scientific evidence from research studies has shown drinking red wine helps in weight loss. However, you should drink moderately not more than two glasses to get effective results. Couple of scientific studies claimed that red wine contains polyphenol called 'resveratrol', which helps in weight loss. Wine contains polyphenol that burns white fats. These fats are usually larger than other cells and these generally store energy. As and when people gain weight, these white fats continuously expand causing obesity. Hence, moderate drinking of red wine removes white fats helping in weight loss.
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Another study on 20000 women was carried out at Harvard University. According to research data, women moderately drinking red wine reduced their risk of becoming obese by 70%. Studies showed that drinking moderate amounts of red wine initially slowed weight gain in women. Yet, these same women reported that they gained weight over time.

Benefits of Red Wine

1.  Drinking red wine in small to moderate amount can reduce risks of heart diseases and stroke.
2.  Red wine also helps in lowering the risk of early death.
3.  Drinking small amounts of red wine helps in retaining the 'Good' HDL cholesterol in the blood.
3.  Red wine can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, such as prostate cancers, colon, ovary, basal cell etc.
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4.  Drinking glass of wine per day reduces risk of depression, Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
5.  Reasonable amount of red wine can also reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes; especially in women.

Ensure that you regularly drink only ‘moderate amounts’ of red wine. You must drink wine in moderation to obtain maximum benefits.

