
Which is best for Weight loss, running or dancing? Weight loss tips

When you suggest any dieting or workout programme, people interested in weight loss have tried them all. However, you should not try every new method that comes your way. You have to understand what would suit your body most of all. Thereafter, you should continue and stick to practising the method.

Here in this article we have compared two common physical activities namely running and dancing. We have further discussed which activity – running or dancing is better for weight loss.


Dancing is fun and it is a great method of working out to lose excess weight. In order to maintain optimal health, one requires practising dancing for around 30 minutes per day. Yet, when you want to lose body weight then you can follow either of the steps. You have to either increase intensity of exercises or increase the amount of time of exercising.

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There are some natural factors determining the quantities of calories you would burn per day. Yet, these factors are not in your hand or control. Your age and body composition are two such factors.

There are various types of dances for burning diverse amounts of calories in same given time. Also, it has been observed that the faster you dance the more calories you burn. You burn twice the calories attending a ballet class than taking other contemporary dance class.

In dancing, the right intensity and steps to music should be practised for an hour. Along with the dancing steps, a well-monitored diet should be consumed. All these together contribute in helping people burn 400 calories per hour of dancing. People with high body mass index (BMI) lose up to 2-3 pounds per week from dancing. However, people with lower BMI or aged can lose only 1-1.5 pounds per week from dancing. Dancing is meant for complete full body workout. It has been noticed that often dance music makes your feet tap on its own. Hence, there is no doubt that dancing is a better method of weight loss.

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Running has proved not to work for many people trying to lose weight. Yet, running with required intensity and performed correctly provides effectively results. Then there is nothing better running. Running should be practised at a very high intensity. This enables you to burn calories even long after you have finished exercising. The energy expenditure during resting enhances especially after running session causing you to burn more calories.

Following a variety of activities during running is the key to successful weight loss. Combine easy and fast tempo with intervals of runs. This process helps in burning more calories and building more muscles.

If you are running to successfully lose weight, then you should be careful not to overeat. Some people think that they can eat as much as they please. This is because they are involved in some sort of vigorous physical activity that burn calories. Yet, when one wishes to lose weight, one should eat a balanced diet causing calorie deficit. There are runners who exercise covering very long distances. These people should definitely eat enough foods to maintain their body’s electrolyte balance.

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When an individual runs at a speed of 5 miles per hour, he/she burns approximately 476 calories. The number of calories burned from running or dancing for one hour is almost the same.


You burn same number of calories leading to weight loss while dancing or running. It is entirely up to you what activity of the two you select as regular activity. It is recommended that you perform the activity that interests you the most. When you decide on doing something you do not find appealing, sooner or later you quit. This is not advisable since it is neither healthy nor it would keep you fit.