Side effects of Green tea on empty stomach in summer. Learn how to consume Green tea


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Green tea is said to have many health benefits. But the time to drink anything is the right time and the right ratio. Green tea is also beneficial for immunity with weight loss. However, in many cases it also proves to be harmful. If we consume it empty stomach in the morning or consume it more during the summer season then it can harm our health. This can lead to weakening of digestive power, skin problems including other diseases. Let's know in detail ...

1. Green Tea Cause Migraine

If you are consuming more quantity of green tea during the summer season, then you can become a victim of a disease like migraine. A research has shown that drinking green tea on empty stomach affects its heat on the brain. Due to which one may have to suffer from migraine disease or unbearable headache.

2. Green Tea may cause Loss of Appetite

Actually, the consumption of green tea on an empty stomach affects our metabolism, which can cause acidity, stomach irritation, loss of appetite etc.

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3 Acne problem: Green tea cause Acne

If you are consuming hot food continuously in the summer season, then you may suffer from acne problem. Not only this, there is also a possibility of other skin problems.

4. Increased Blood pressure

Green tea may cause vomiting, nausea, nervousness, loss of heat and blood related problems such as high blood pressure. In such a situation, drinking green tea on an empty stomach should be avoided.

5. Green Tea Cause Acidity

Consumption of green tea on an empty stomach can increase the gas and acidity in the stomach. Pitta can be increased by its consumption, which can also have a bad effect on your body.

Take these foods before consuming green tea

To avoid all these side effects, eat something before consuming green tea. Drink tea in the morning after eating 2 biscuits or fruits.

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