
10 Effective Home Remedies for Sunburn

Sunburn is a common issue, especially during the summer months, caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. It results in red, painful, and sometimes peeling skin. Traditional Indian home remedies, rooted in Ayurveda and age-old practices, offer effective and natural ways to soothe and heal sunburned skin. Here’s a detailed look at some of these remedies.


1. Aloe Vera: 

Aloe vera is known for its soothing and healing properties. It helps reduce inflammation and moisturizes the skin. 


Extract fresh aloe vera gel from an aloe leaf. Apply the gel directly to the sunburned area. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes before rinsing off with cool water. Repeat several times a day.


2. Cucumber: 

Cucumber has cooling and antioxidant properties that can help alleviate sunburn symptoms. 


Slice a fresh cucumber and place the slices on the affected areas. Alternatively, blend a cucumber to make a paste and apply it to the sunburned skin. Leave it on for 20 minutes before washing off with cool water.


3. Yogurt: 

Yogurt is rich in probiotics and has cooling properties that can help soothe sunburn. 


Apply plain yogurt directly to the sunburned skin. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse off with cool water. Repeat 2-3 times a day.


4. Turmeric and Sandalwood Paste: 

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, while sandalwood is known for its cooling effect. 

Recipe and Application:

Mix equal parts of turmeric powder and sandalwood powder with a little rose water to make a paste. Apply the paste to the sunburned areas and leave it on for 30 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. Use this remedy once daily.


5. Honey: 

Honey is a natural humectant and has antibacterial properties that can promote healing. 


Apply a thin layer of pure honey to the sunburned skin. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water. Repeat 2-3 times a day.


6. Coconut Oil: 

Coconut oil is moisturizing and has anti-inflammatory properties that can help heal sunburned skin. 


Gently apply a small amount of virgin coconut oil to the affected areas. Use it after taking a cool shower for best results. Reapply as needed.


7. Fuller's Earth (Multani Mitti): 

Fuller's earth is known for its cooling and healing properties. 

Recipe and Application:

Mix Fuller's earth with rose water to form a smooth paste. Apply the paste to the sunburned areas and let it dry completely. Rinse off with cool water. Use this remedy once daily.


8. Papaya and Honey Mask: 

Papaya has enzymes that help in exfoliating dead skin, while honey moisturizes and heals. 

Recipe and Application:

Mash a few pieces of ripe papaya and mix with one tablespoon of honey. Apply this mixture to the sunburned skin and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. Repeat daily.


9. Mint and Rose Water: 

Mint has a cooling effect, and rose water helps soothe the skin. 

Recipe and Application:

Crush fresh mint leaves to extract the juice and mix with rose water. Apply this mixture to the sunburned areas with a cotton ball. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes before washing off. Repeat several times a day.


10. Tea Bags: 

Tea contains tannins that can help reduce inflammation and soothe the skin. 


Steep black or green tea bags in hot water and let them cool. Place the cooled tea bags on the sunburned areas for 15-20 minutes. Repeat as needed.


Additional Tips: 

In addition to these remedies, following some general tips can help manage sunburn more effectively: 

1. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and help it heal faster.

2. Avoid Further Sun Exposure: Stay out of the sun until your sunburn heals completely.

3. Wear Loose Clothing: Opt for loose, breathable clothing to avoid irritating the sunburned skin.

4. Cool Compresses: Apply cool compresses to the affected areas to reduce heat and pain.

5. Avoid Hot Showers: Take cool baths or showers to help soothe the skin.


When to See a Doctor? 

While these home remedies can be effective for mild sunburns, seek medical attention if: 

1. You experience severe pain or blistering.

2. You develop fever, chills, or nausea.

3. The sunburn covers a large area of your body.

4. There are signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, or pus.


Bottom line: 

Indian home remedies provide a natural and effective way to soothe and heal sunburned skin. Utilizing ingredients like aloe vera, cucumber, yogurt, and turmeric can offer relief and promote faster recovery. However, it’s essential to take preventive measures, such as using sunscreen and avoiding excessive sun exposure, to protect your skin from sunburn in the first place. If you experience severe symptoms, consult a healthcare provider for appropriate treatment.