6 Colors of Menstrual Blood Reveals Dangerous Changes in Your Body! Part 2

5. Orange-red

Now this defines unusual. You may be an artist who loves colour but this is definitely not the colour you want to see when it comes to period. During menstruation, this colour may indicate any infection. This colour will usually be noticed with an odour, as soon as you realise this get to the doctor. This colour is usually seen when the blood is mixed with any fluid from cervix, but at the same time it also points a finger towards an infection inside.

6. Heavy bleeding

For most of the women, heavy bleeding is normal during the toughest day of the period. This is usually the second or third day of period when the bleeding is significantly more than the other days and it is quite normal.


If, however, you see just some spotting or traces of blood instead of the regular flow you are used to, also you are not menstruating, contact a gynaecologist. This irregular phenomenon may be due to early pregnancy or some kind of a hormonal disorder.

