How to Whiten Extremely Yellow Teeth in 15 Days? 21 Teeth Whitening Home Remedies - Part 3

14. Walnut

Walnut act as an effective natural cleaner for teeth and has antibacterial properties. It prevents yellowing of your teeth and keeps your teeth white.

Crush walnut and rub on your teeth for 5 minutes. Do this every day for fast result.

15. Turmeric

Turmeric is also well known as teeth whitening agent. Take 1 teaspoon of turmeric and roast it for 4-5 minutes, then add some salt and 1 teaspoon of lime juice to it. Apply this mixture to your teeth and gently massage for few minutes to whiten the teeth. Turmeric also keeps the gums strong and healthier.

16. Crunchy Carrots

Raw carrots are known as natural cleanser. Simply chew raw and crunchy carrots to remove plaque from teeth. Carrots help in maintaining acid-alkaline balance in our mouth, which destroys bacteria. Similarly, celery, cucumber, and broccoli also help in whitening the teeth.

17. Margosa (Neem)

Neem or margosa has astringent and antiseptic properties which helps whiten your teeth. Regular use of neem oil prevents bad breath and dental cavities.

1.      Use neem twigs/branches as a toothbrush to brush your teeth, this will remove yellow color. Simply chew neem branches to tackle teeth problems.
2.      Or put little margosa oil in your regular toothpaste and brush your teeth.

18. Raisins

Raisin helps in increasing the production of saliva in the mouth. Chew and eat 4-5 raisins every day as it helps in scrapping off plaque. It also prevents the formation of tartar and plaque.

19. Apple Cider Vinegar

You can use apple cider vinegar not only as a whitener, but also to destroy germs, infecting and affecting the teeth. To whiten your teeth, mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with glass of warm water and simply gargle with this mixture. Do this 2-3 times a week.

Caution - Never use apple cider vinegar too much as it may damage your enamel.

20. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is another effective remedy for whitening your yellow teeth. It acts as a cleansing agent and fights against the infecting bacteria which cause cavity and plaque.

Mix some aloe vera gel with vegetable glycerin or your regular toothpaste and also add some baking soda in it and brush your teeth to remove yellowness. 

21. Milk and Yogurt

Milk and yogurt are rich sources of phosphorus and calcium which help in promoting re-mineralization of tooth enamel. They also prevents cavity and gives you sparkling teeth.

Dos and don’t

1.      Eat crunchy fruits like apple, guava, sugarcane, pears, celery and vegetables like green vegetables, carrots, cucumber, broccoli etc, all these crunchy fruits and vegetables prevents yellowing of teeth and strengthen our gums.
2.      Put drop of clove oil on your toothpaste before brushing.
3.      Eat calcium and iron rich food daily because this food keeps your teeth white and makes them stronger.
4.      Drink cold drinks, coffee, tea, soda and beverages through straw. This will avoid the contact of strong compounds of beverages with teeth, as this strong compound makes your teeth yellow.
5.      Flossing your teeth once a day makes your teeth whiter.
6.      Do not consume food which contains too much table salt.

