Lose Weight with These 20 Zero-Low Calorie Foods - Part 2

11. Kale

Kale is unusually high in fiber, this helps make the most you need to fill you up and to keep you full for a long time. Most vegetables are good for weight loss as they are low in calories; 1 cup of raw kale contains just 33 calories. Kale is also a superb source of nutrients, calcium and especially vitamin A. With a combination of vitamins, minerals, and low calories, kale is a best food for dieter. For a low-calorie weight loss recipe, make soup with low-sodium chicken broth, kale, tomatoes, onion, carrot, celery and chicken breast.

12. Watermelon

Watermelon is an excellent way to help you cleanse your body and lose weight naturally. A cup of watermelon has only 47 calories. Watermelon is 92% water but that other 8% is filled with superior nutrition and amazing health benefits. Watermelons are normally high in fiber or water content, or both.


13. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are extremely low in calories. A medium size tomato only has 22 calories; it can fill you up, gives you plenty of nutrients and help you maintain your daily caloric intake low, which is very necessary if you are looking to drop a few pounds. Tomato contains lycopene which helps produce an amino acid involved in the fat-burning process – and they also have plenty of vitamin C.

14. Grapefruits

In order to lose weight we have to put out more calories than we take in. The magical trick to losing weight is taking in fewer calories without starving yourself. Eating fruits like grapefruits and citrus fruits like oranges can help you lose some pounds as they are low calorie but high in fiber. Additionally, fiber helps you stay full so that you need not to eat a lot at meals. High fiber low calorie fruits like grapefruits, apples and oranges are the greatest snacks that you can consume while you're dieting.

15. Onion

Onion is rich source of fiber, an antioxidant called Quercetin and nutrients, all this combination may contribute to weight loss. Minerals and oils inside onions help to break down unwanted fat and increase the metabolism. Onion is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant vegetable which makes it a perfect food to reduce weight.

16. Brussels sprouts

It sounds unbelievable but it is true that you can lose weight with eating Brussels sprouts and most importantly, have a wonderful good health through consuming Brussels sprouts too. Sprouts are rich in fibre, having plenty of nutrients, enzymes, protein, micro-nutrients and at the same time low in calories. At only 10-12 calories, 1-2 gram of fiber, and 1 gram of protein per sprout, this nutrition cannonballs will help keep you fuller for long time while eating fewer calories.


17. Turnips

Turnips are one of the lowest calorie vegetables. A cup of boiled turnips contains about 14-15 calories. Raw turnips contain vitamin C - 38.4 mg and dietary fiber - 3.3 grams. Turnips are very healthy in their raw state; simply peel it and enjoy with a little salt but it is recommend not to eat more than 250 grams of raw turnip daily, or else you belly might swell up.

18. Apple

Apple can help with weight loss as it is high in fiber.  A high fiber diet is necessary for weight loss as fiber can help suppress food intake and keeps you full longer. Apple contains 47-50 calories per 100 grams.

19. Carrots

Eating carrots is the best way to lose weight and keep you feeling hungry, try eating more carrots. Carrots mostly contain water and fiber which keeps you hydrated and feeling full. It also contains essential nutrients, such as vitamins A and K. Add it to salads, soups etc to provide volume with only a few extra calories.

20. Oranges

Oranges are loaded with Vitamin C, but they are also low in calories compared to other low calorie fruits. It contains only 47 calories per 100 grams. Eating oranges regularly can help you get the essential vitamins you need because it provide required amounts of vitamin C and folate. Oranges can be a good choice if you want to lose weight as they are low in calorie and fat free.

