Have a Glowing, Wrinkle Free, Spotless Skin in 30 Days - 2
11. Cornflakes, Milk
1. Mash 1 tablespoon cornflakes (make
powder of it) and add raw milk (1 tablespoon), fresh lime juice (1 tablespoon)
in it. (You can also add 1 tablespoon of readymade cleansing milk in it instead
of raw milk, lime juice) Clean face & neck with this mixture for 5-10
minutes daily for glowing skin.
2. Mix 2 tablespoon of cornflakes powder
with half teaspoon of olive oil and half teaspoon of fresh lemon or orange
juice. Mix all these ingredients properly. Apply this paste on your face for
20-25 minutes. Repeat this 3-4 times a week. This face mask lightens the
dark/brown spots, acne scars and reduces the wrinkles rapidly.
12. Lemon/orange
Cut the lemon or tomato and rub the
slices all over your face & neck. Leave it for 20 minutes, and then rinse
off with cold water. This will refresh your skin. Avoid doing this if you have
dry skin.
13. Honey & Milk
Apply the mixture of honey (1
tablespoon) and milk (1 tablespoon) on the face daily for 15-20 minutes. This
will make your skin healthy & glowing.
14. Rose water, Oat powder, Lime
Make paste of oats powder (1 tablespoon)
with rose water (1 tablespoon) or lime juice. Apply it on your face for 20-25
minutes. It will give you glowing & healthy skin.
15. Natural Bleach – Tomato
Tomato works as natural bleach. Cut a
tomato into two parts. Gently rub and massage the peel onto your face for 15
minutes in upward & circular direction, use tomato instantly when you cut
it, if you kept tomato slices for a long time unused, tomato would lose
its bleaching properties.
16. Oatmeal & Egg white
For oily skin, add 1-2 tablespoon of oatmeal in egg white, add 1
teaspoon of turmeric, 2 teaspoon of lime juice and apply this paste on the neck
and face for 20-30 minutes.
17. Cocoa, Honey, Oatmeal
Take 3-4 tablespoon of cocoa, 2-3 teaspoons of milk cream, 3 tablespoon
of ripe papaya pulp, 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal powder.
Mix them all together. Apply on your face. After 20 minutes, wash your face
with lukewarm/normal water. This is the best face mask for oily skin.
18. Massage of milk & honey
It is very essential to clean, tone and moisture your skin daily. Take
1 tablespoon of raw milk and 1 teaspoon of raw honey, mix them well and massage
on your face with it in upward & in circular direction for 15 minutes
daily, followed with a face pack of sandalwood paste (1 tablespoon) mixed with
lemon (1 tablespoon).
19. Oats & Rose water
Mix oats powder (1 tablespoon) with rose water (1 tablespoon). Apply it
on your face for 20-30 minutes & wash with normal/lukewarm water. It will
give you glowing skin.
20. Fruit or vegetable juice
Drink 1 full glass juice daily made from any fruit or vegetable, also
add 1 tablespoon of honey in it. Add carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, beetroots,
cabbage, and curd in your regular diet. Drink 10-12 glasses of water daily. You
can see the changes in your skin within a month.
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