Red, itchy eyes? Home Remedies for Soothing Itchy, Swollen, Irritated Eyes. Cure Eyes Allergies - Part 3

16. Castor oil

Many commercial eye drops contain castor oil. Use a clean dropper and then suck pure castor oil in the cleaned dropper. Put a single drop of castor oil in each eye. Continue this process three to four times a day to reduce eye swelling and provide a soothing effect to your eyes.

17. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has antiseptic properties and anti bacterial properties, hence help to fight many infections of the eyes causing eye itching.

1.      Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with one cup of water. Use this solution to wash your eyes to get relief from itching and irritation.

2.      Wrap a sack of frozen vegetables in a slim towel9you need to be able to feel the cold through it) Place it over closed eyes for 10-15 minutes.

18. Frozen vegetables

Wrap a sack of frozen vegetables in a slim towel9you need to be able to feel the cold through it) Place it over closed eyes for 10-15 minutes.

19. Vegetable Juices

Juice from raw vegetables, especially carrots and spinach, can be of incredible help to treat bothersome eyes. The juices can be utilized independently or combined together. Just drink the fresh juice twice every day until you get relief.

20. Water

It is important for you to drink plenty of water every day to stay hydrated. Drink at least 10 glasses of water every day to keep your eyes hydrated. This will help in preventing itchiness.

21. Artificial Tears

Fake tears are likewise a decent approach to lubricate your aggravated eyes. Include two drops of fake tears twice a day. It will help dampen the eyes. However, don't utilize lubricating drops that contain additives for more than 3 to 4 times each day. You can likewise make your own particular saline arrangement by adding one teaspoon of table salt to a liter of refined water.

22. Witch hazel

Use witch hazel soaked cotton balls or gauze pad as a cold compress on your closed eyes. Leave it for a couple of minutes. Repeat this three times each day to get powerful results. The astringent properties of witch hazel will help in diminishing swelling of the eyes.

23. Goldenseal

Take two teaspoons of Goldenseal herb powder and mix it with a cup of water. Bring it to boil and utilize it as a warm compress on your eyes to get effective relief from itching eyes. You can also use this solution as an eye drop. Add two to three drops of this solution in your eyes thrice a day to get relief from itching eyes.

24. Calendula juice

Prepare a mixture of calendula juice and water and wash your eyes with this mixture 2 to 3 times in a day to reduce the inflammation resulting from itchy eyes.

25. Eyebright

An eye drop can be prepared with the use of eyebright extract (2 to 3 drops) and warm water. You can pour this mixture in eye cups and place the cups on the eyes for 60 seconds. Repeat this multiple times in a day for quick relief from itchy eyes.

