30 Natural Home Remedies for Eczema (Atopic dermatitis) in Kids & Adults - Part 2

9. Nutmeg

Nutmeg contains anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce inflammation, itchiness and alleviate pain from eczema symptoms.

      1.      Mix 1 tablespoon of nutmeg powder with one tablespoon of olive oil to prepare a smooth paste
      2.      Apply this mixture on the affected skin due to eczema
      3.      Leave this application for 30-40 minutes and then rinse off with normal water.
      4.      Repeat this once or twice a day.

10. Cinnamon with nutmeg

      1.      Mix 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder with 1 teaspoon of nutmeg powder and 1 tablespoon of honey to make fine paste

      2.      Apply this paste on the affected skin, and leave it on for 30-40 minutes. Rinse it off with cool water. Follow this once a day for several weeks.

11. Honey

Honey is a great natural ingredient commonly used in ayurevda to treat a wide variety of skin problems. Honey is also found to be very useful in reducing irritations, itching of the skin due to eczema. Try to use pure organic honey to get rid of eczema problems quickly.

1.        Wash the affected skin thoroughly and then pat it dry.
2.        Apply honey directly over the affected skin.
3.        Leave it on for 30-40 minutes and then rinse it off with cool water.
4.        Repeat this 2-3 times a day to reduce skin itching and inflammation.

12. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the most effective remedies for skin problems like eczema. It has anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties that can reduce redness, dryness, pain, inflammation and swelling occurs due to eczema.

Coconut oil contains vitamin E, K and lauric acid that help fight itchiness and alleviate the affected skin quickly.

1.      Apply some pure/unrefined coconut oil directly on the affected skin area for 30-40 minutes and the wash off with cool water. Repeat this once or twice a day to get fast relief from itching or pain. Continue this treatment until the eczema symptoms are gone completely.

2.      Try to consume 2-3 tablespoons of pure coconut oil everyday or add coconut oil in your regular cooking to get rid of eczema symptoms,  It will also improve your overall immunity.

13. Chamomile

Chamomile contains flavonoid that has anti-inflammatory property, this help reduce itching, redness, inflammation and swelling caused by eczema.

1.      Mix half teaspoon of chamomile essential oil with 1 teaspoon of olive oil, mix it well. Apply the mixture on the affected area and gently massage for 5-10 minutes. Follow this remedy twice daily to get rid of eczema symptoms.

2.      Boil 1-2 teaspoon of crushed dried chamomile flowers to 1 ½ cup of water. Boil it for 10-15 minutes. Strain the water and allow it to cool. Soak a piece of cloth in this water and place it over the affected skin area for 20-30 minutes. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times a day until eczema symptoms are gone.

14. Fish Oil

Fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids that are very effective in treating skin problems like eczema. It will help in reducing inflammation of the affected skin as well as reduces skin irritation and swelling.

1.      Mix 1 teaspoon of fish oil with little honey and directly apply it on affected skin for 30 minutes. Then wash it off with cool water. Repeat this twice a day to get rid of eczema.
2.      Take 1-2 fish oil capsules daily after lunch and dinner to reduce eczema symptoms.

3.      Also include anchovies, salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines in your regular diet to see fast improvement.

15. Cucumbers

Cucumbers contains high amount of water and anti-inflammatory properties which is very effective in curing eczema.

1.      Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoon of fresh cucumber juice in a cup of water. Apply this mixture over affected area for 30-40 minutes and wash off with cool water. Do this twice a day.

2.      Take few cucumber slices and put them in the refrigerator for 20-25 minutes. Put these cool cucumber slices over the affected skin for 10-15 minutes. Repeat this 2-3 times a day.

16. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is loaded with antifungal and antibacterial properties that will help in reducing the skin irritation and itching.

Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 1 teaspoon of rose water and spread this mixture on the affected skin areas for 30 minutes. Rinse off with cool water and pat your skin dry. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a day to get rid of eczema symptoms.

17. Licorice root with sesame oil

Mix one teaspoon of licorice root powder with 1 teaspoon of sesame oil. Heat this mixture in a pan for 4-5 minutes and apply on the affected skin. Then wrap a cotton bandage over it. Leave it for 2-3 hours. Repeat this twice a day.

18. Babul /Indian gum

Boil 1-2 tablespoon of babul /Indian gum tree bark and 1 tablespoon of mango tree bark in one liter of water for 20-25 minutes. Utilize this mixture to make a hot compress over the affected skin. After fomentation for about 15 minutes, clean your skin with soft dry cloth and then apply purified butter as an ointment. Follow this remedy once or twice a day to get rid of eczema.

