Fenugreek Seed for Hair loss, Dandruff, Damaged Scalp, Baldness - Part 2

9. Reverses baldness

To prepare fenugreek hair mask, blend fenugreek seeds paste and coconut milk well, apply it to your scalp and hair and leave for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with a gentle shampoo and water.

10. Conditioner for strong shiny hair

Take 8-10 grams of fenugreek seeds and put it in water overnight and after that make a fine paste out of them very next day. Apply this paste throughout your hair and hair scalp. Dry it for 30 minutes and wash it off with the cool water. This hair cover acts as the natural conditioner for hair and gives shining to the hair.

11. Itching and dandruff

Crushed methi seeds mixed with a hot oil also makes an excellent hair care method to try for scalp Itching and dandruff issue. Leave the paste on scalp to dry and then wash it off.

12. Dandruff

Make a paste of ground methi seeds blended with apple fruit extract vinegar. Leave it for 30 minutes to dry. This mask is very useful for treating dandruff and for a dry itching scalp.

14. Premature graying of hair

Make methi seeds powder and add this powder to coconut oil and massage it on your scalp. Wash it off very next day with water. This prevents untimely graying or premature graying of hair.

15. Frizzy hair and Dandruff

Mix 2 tablespoon fenugreek paste with 3 tablespoon of curd and 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar or apple fruit extract to remove dandruff and treat frizzy hair. Apply this paste on the scalp for 1-2 hours and wash it off with lukewarm water and herbal shampoo.

All these natural home remedies are time tested and take time to achieve best results so have some patience and follow these remedies regularly to achieve the desired results.

