10 health benefits of Corn Silk for Kidney, Blood problems, Weight loss, Arthritis & more! - 2
6. Balances Mineral levels in the body
A balanced level of vital minerals
in the body is crucial for healthy living. Corn silk tea helps balance vital
minerals in the body. It also removes extra potassium from the body.
7. Natural diuretic
For ages, corn silk has been
used as a potent natural diuretic. It helps flush out excess fluids and waste
from the body, hence reducing the complications and ailments related to water
retention. According to studies, diuretics can help you get rid of several
health problems including congestive heart failure
and kidney diseases
in the long run. As mentioned above corn silk is very helpful in reducing cholesterol
and preventing formation of kidney stones
in our body.
8. Reduce Arthritis
and gout pain
Corn silk is well known for
its anti-inflammatory properties. The diuretic action of the corn silk can
reduce excess formation of uric acid in our body joints.
Thus it can be used to relieve us from the pain caused by inflammatory ailments
like gout and arthritis.
9. Source of vitamin C
Along with all the above perks
of a -till now considered as useless part of corn- Corn silk also contains
Vitamin C in it which is considered ideal for boosting
immunity. Also, it plays major role in regulating countless
numbers of functions in the body.
10. Skin Pigmentation
Consumption of corn silk also
reduces skin
pigmentation. This can be very helpful for the people badly
affected by vitiligo.
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