50 Natural Home Remedies for Constipation - Instant Relief - Part 3

31. Epsom salt

It is an effective home remedy to cure constipation as the salt draws water from its surroundings, softens stool and makes it easier to pass. Epsom salt contains magnesium which promotes contraction of the bowel muscles and makes passing easier. 

Table salt can be helpful in terms of drawing water out, but it doesn’t contain magnesium that Epsom has, therefore try to use Epsom salt if possible.

Mix 2 teaspoon of Epsom salt with a cup of fruit juice or water. Stir well and drink it. Take one more dose, if there is no sign of bowel movement within 3-4 hours.

For Children: Use only ½ teaspoon for children.

32. Amla Powder

Indian gooseberries are known as gentle laxative and rich source of fibers; hence it helps in digestion related problems and cures constipation.

Consume a teaspoon of organic amla powder along with glass of lukewarm water before your breakfast in the morning and/or before going to bed at night. It will improve digestion and helps in reducing constipation.

33. Raisins

Soak 5-6 raisins in cup of water overnight and consume them the next morning on an empty stomach and drink the water. You can also eat grapes to avoid indigestion and constipation. Raisins have high amount of fiber as well as they also works as laxatives. Raisins are also useful during pregnancy because they don’t have any side effects.

34. Castor Oil

Castor oil is one of the most effective home remedy for constipation in adults. Add 1 teaspoon of castor oil to glass of warm milk and drink this mixture before going to bed at night.

Alternatively, simply consume 1-2 teaspoon of castor oil in the morning on an empty stomach, followed by plenty of water.

35. Coffee

Coffee contains caffeine, which is known as a natural stimulant for the digestive system. Hence, sipping a cup of coffee daily gives you relief from chronic constipation.

36. Guava

Guava seeds are very fast and effective in healing constipation as they have high amount of fiber. Cut guava and sprinkle some Epsom salt on it, eat 2-3 guavas a day to get rid of constipation.

37. Spinach

This is one of the greatest home remedies for constipation and other stomach problems as it helps in clean-up the intestinal passage naturally. Take cup of fresh spinach juice and add half cup of water to it. Then add some salt and cayenne pepper to this juice and drink it. Follow this remedy at least 2 times a day. You can also eat boiled or steamed spinach twice a day.

38. Cabbage

Cabbage is rich source of fiber, and hence helps in cleaning the intestine. Include cabbage in your regular diet.

Take cup of fresh cabbage juice and add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to it. Drink it to get rid of constipation. Do this once or twice a day.

39. Isabgol

Soak 1 tablespoon of isabgol (Psyllium husk) in warm water for 1-2 hours and drink it. Psyllium seeds are very effective in treating constipation.

40. Dandelion Tea

Drinking dandelion tea will keep you away from the constipation and other stomach problems. Dandelion is known as an excellent detoxifying agent and laxative in nature and, and hence, gives you relief from constipation.

41. Beans

Include beans in your diet such as garbanzo beans, black beans, navy beans, red beans and lima beans are a good source of fibers and gives relief in constipation. But, to prevent gassiness, cook the beans properly.

42. Bael Fruit

Bael fruit is one of the best remedy that cures constipation naturally as it works as excellent laxative and cleans up the intestine totally. Adult may consume 50 grams of bael fruit to get rid of constipation and indigestion.

43. Papaya

Papaya is also acknowledged as natural laxative, and hence, helps in constipation.

44. Pear

Eat 1-2 pears daily to get relief from constipation and indigestion problems.

45. Linseed

Consume 1 teaspoon of crushed linseed along with warm water 30 minutes before having meals. Linseed will reduce constipation naturally.

46. Coconut

Coconut is approved as highly laxative. Drink coconut water or coconut milk to cure constipation. Use pure coconut oil in your cooking as it also works wonder for constipation.

47. Brown Rice

Brown rice is rich in fiber, and hence helps in draw large amounts of water, makes the stool easier and softer, and allows it to move smoothly through the body.

48. Dates

Dates are rich in fiber and are very effective in constipation treatment. Eat 203 dates with a glass of cold milk to get rid of constipation.

49. Senna

Senna is highly laxative and is one of the best home remedies to relieve constipation. But, it should be used in limited amount as it can cause cramping.

50. Homemade Herbal Mixture

Mix together 1 teaspoon of flaxseeds, 1 teaspoon of sunflower seeds, half 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds, and 2-3 almonds. Grind them all into a fine powder. Consume tablespoon of this mixture twice a day will give you relief from constipation.

Foods to avoid

Products made of white flour, Rice, bread, Pulses, Cakes, Pastries, Biscuits, Cheese, Fleshy foods, Preserves, White sugar, Hard-boiled eggs etc

