
What Causes Erectile Dysfunction & Premature Ejaculation?

What is Impotence/ED?

Impotence refers in general to a men's inability or failure to perform sexually, and particularly to his inability/failure to get an erection. Impotence has several other meanings, including helplessness, powerless, weakness, ineffective etc... The inaccurate idea that if a man can't get an erection, he has no sexual power, is what makes impotence such a dangerous but also well known term.

In order to understand why erections don't work, we need to understand the basics of how erections work. Getting an erection engages numerous parts of our body, including our brain, hormones, nerves, heart and muscles. Anything that disrupts this any of above systems may result in what gets called impotence. - Source:

Since erections involve multiple organs, there are often numerous causes of impotence, even for single man. Causes of impotence and erectile dysfunction are:

1. Psychological causes

Depression, stress
Sexual performance anxiety
Lack of communication between partners
Feelings of sinfulness regarding sexual activity

2. Health & medicines
Premature ejaculation can be caused by health conditions, such as….

Thyroid disorders
Nervous system damage
A prostate or urethra infection
Abnormal hormone or brain chemical levels
Abnormal ejaculatory system reflex activity
Inherited traits etc

3. Physical Causes

High blood pressure
Medications for high blood pressure, heart disease, and some antidepressants
Multiple sclerosis
Heart disease
Parkinson's disease
Spinal cord injuries
Conditions that affect thyroid function and/or interrupt hormones in the body
Colon surgery
Injuries to the groin (trauma related to cycling)
Treatments for prostate, penile, and rectal cancers, including some chemotherapy and
Hormone treatments

4. Other causes

Excessive of masturbation
Very sensitive penile skin
Weak PC muscles
Devitalized condition of the body system
Old age
Unhealthy lifestyle
Incorrect diet