Kidney stone & pain - natural home remedies to remove kidney stone & pain
There are several solutions to get rid
of kidney stones such as surgery, natural home remedies, homeopathy etc.. In
many cases kidney stones do not have to treat with medical surgery, but in
several cases, medical surgery is essential. Treat kidney stones without delay,
otherwise it can lead to kidney swelling and will cause intense pain and
vomiting, as it blocks the urine. The development of kidney stone can occur in
several part of the urinary region, but generally formed in two parts that is
kidney and renal Calyx. Kidney stones may be formed from calcium, phosphate and
uric acid.
Symptoms of kidney stones
A kidney stone generally remains
symptomless until it moves into the ureter. When signs & symptoms of kidney
stone become visible, they commonly include:
Severe pain in the groin and/or side
Vomiting and nausea
Blood in urine
Reduced amount of excreted urine
White blood cells or pus in the urine
Burning sensation during urination
Fever and chills if there is an
Persistent urge to urinate
The following are some simple natural
remedies that may help soothe the discomfort of kidney stones and speed up the
body’s natural healing process.
1. Kidney Beans
Kidney beans are very effective and
trusted to cure all kinds of kidney and bladder troubles, kidney stone is not
exception, kidney beans have some compounds that prevents kidney stones. Kidney
beans are really beneficial for kidney health.
1. Take 200 gm kidney bean pods and simply remove
the all beans from the pods, cut these pods and boil them in 4-5 glass of
water. Boil the kidney bean pods on slow flame for few minutes until the pods
become tender, soft and spongy. It will take 40-50 minutes. Allow the water to
normal temperature and then strain the water properly.
Drink this water throughout the day – ½ glass in the morning on empty stomach, ½ glass before the lunch, ½ glass in the evening and ½ glass before or after dinner.
You can add pinch of rock salt in each half glass to improve the taste of it. Follow this remedy everyday for 2 weeks and get rid of kidney and bladder problems like kidney stone naturally.
Drink this water throughout the day – ½ glass in the morning on empty stomach, ½ glass before the lunch, ½ glass in the evening and ½ glass before or after dinner.
You can add pinch of rock salt in each half glass to improve the taste of it. Follow this remedy everyday for 2 weeks and get rid of kidney and bladder problems like kidney stone naturally.
Tip: Do not drink this
water after 24 hours because it may lose its therapeutic qualities. Make new
liquid everyday for better result.
2. Add kidney beans in your regular diet; add
kidney beans in your tomato, chicken or any other soup. You can also add boiled
kidney beans in your salad or add them in vegetables and curry. Try it; these
beans are quite tasty and healthy too.
2. Basil/Tulsi
Basil/Tulsi stimulates stone removal from the urinary tract in few weeks.
1. Take 8-10 fresh green basil/tulsi leaves,
crush them and make paste of it. Add 1 tablespoon of honey in this paste and
consume on an empty stomach in the morning. Consume this mixture 3-4 times a
day – in the morning on an empty stomach, after lunch, in the evening on an
empty stomach, after dinner. Make fresh paste every time. Do this for 3-4 weeks
to remove kidney stones naturally.
2. Add 1 tablespoon of fresh basil/tulsi paste in
your regular/herbal tea, also use honey instead of sugar.
3. Coconut water
Coconut water is also very beneficial
for those who suffering from kidney stone problem. Consumption of fresh coconut
water flushes the kidney stone through urine. Drink glass of fresh coconut
water in the morning on an empty stomach, 40 minutes before lunch, on an empty
stomach in the evening and 30-40 minutes before dinner. You have to drink at
least 4-5 glass of fresh coconut water daily to get rid of kidney stone.
4. Lemon & Olive oil
Lemon Contains citric acid and this
acidic property of lemon break down and dilute the calcium based kidney stones
and prevent the additional growth of stones in kidney. Drinking lemon fresh
juice increases the volume of urination, thus it helps flushing out the kidney
stone from urine tract. Lemon increases the citrate level in the urine.
Mix 2 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
with glass of clean warm water, also add 1 tablespoon of olive oil/extra virgin
olive oil in it, mix them well and consume this mixture on an empty stomach in
the morning and before going to bed.
5. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar gives alkalizing
effects in kidney stone problem. The acidic property of apple cider vinegar
dissolves the kidney stones and pushes it out through the ureter.
1. Mix 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in
glass of warm water and drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Follow this 3
times a day for fast relief; it also reduces the pain cause by kidney stone.
2. Add 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 1
tablespoon of olive oil, mix them in glass of warm water and consume on an
empty stomach in the morning. Follow this 2-3 times a day 30-40 minutes before
lunch or dinner.
6. Cranberry juice
Consumption of cranberry juice is very
beneficial in kidney stone symptoms. It dilutes the stone and helps flushing
them out through urine; it also eliminates the other impurities within the
kidney. Cranberry juice prevents the further formation of stones in the kidney.
Drink glass of fresh cranberry juice
every day for few weeks to dilute and prevention of kidney stones.
7. Water
Drink lots of water. Water helps to
flush the kidney stone out through urine and it prevents formation of calcium
crystals in the urine.
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