25 Home Remedies for Blemishes, Pigmentation, Scars & Dark Spots - Part 2

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10. Honey, milk powder

Honey added in milk powder helps in reducing the blemishes if applied on the skin.

11. Raw milk

Soak a piece of cotton in raw milk and wipe your face with it twice a day—once before going to sleep and once after waking up in the morning.

12. Fresh orange juice

Apply some orange juice with cotton ball on the skin and leave it on for half an hour. Rinse off after few minutes. It helps in lightening the facial blemishes.

13. Apple cider vinegar

Mix one teaspoon organic apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoon of water; you can increase the amount of water. Dip a clean cotton ball in this mixture and dab it on the affected area. Wash it off after 15-20 minutes. Repeat this daily until the blemish fades away.

14. Potato tricks

Apply grated potato on your skin or rub potato slices. Leave it on at least for 30 minutes. Rinse off with water after 30 minutes. Try this at least once a week to reduce the marks.

15. Papaya and banana peel

Rub a papaya peel and banana peel on the skin and leave it for at least 15 minutes. It reduces the blemishes from the skin.

16. Aloe with rose water

Extract some fresh aloe gel from an aloe leaf and apply it on your skin with adding some rose water. Wait until it dries completely and wash it off with normal or lukewarm water. Follow this daily for about 3-4 weeks.

18. Neem leaves

A paste of neem leaves or boiled neem leaves water if applied on the skin reduces the blemishes.

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20. Aloe with sugar and lemon

Mix two tablespoons of aloe vera gel with one teaspoon each of fresh lemon juice and sugar. Gently massage your skin with this combination, Leave it on for 20-30 minutes and then wash it off. Repeat this 2-3 times a week until you get rid of the dark spots and blemishes.

21. Vitamin C and E

Drink lots of fluids throughout the day and take in lots of vitamin C and E. Both of these help improve the texture of the skin and make your skin more radiant and healthy from the inside.

23. Follow skin hygiene

Follow a healthy skin care regime. Cleanse your skin twice a day, and immediately after cleansing, use a balancing toner and a moisturizer which is suited to your skin.

24. Sandalwood

Apply sandalwood paste on skin made with rose water. It even soothes the acne, pimples and boils from the skin.

25. Tomato juice with multani mitti

Mix one teaspoon each of fresh tomato juice and sandalwood powder in two teaspoons of Multani mitti/fuller’s earth to make a smooth paste. Apply it on your skin, and leave it on for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water and apply some moisturizer.

