Body Odor - 22 Effective Natural Home Remedies for Body Odor- Underarm Odor - 2

10. Neem

Get handful of Neem leaves (Indian Lilac) and boil them in 2 liter water for 20 minutes. Then add this boiled neem water in bathing water and have a warm bath once a day.   Neem is very effective in killing bacteria & fungus. 

You can directly soak towel or cotton cloth in warm neem water & clean underarms and other affected area where sweat accumulates the most.

11. Camphor oil

In summer and hot days, add ½ cup of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar or 2 tablespoon of Camphor oil to bath water, this will eliminate the excessive sweating and body odor. 

12. Aloe Vera

Extract 2 tablespoon fresh Aloe vera gel and directly rub it on the underarms & other body parts like below breast, waist, neck, groins etc. leave it for 30-50 minutes and rinse off with water to see a noticeable difference.

12. Rose water

1. Add 1 teaspoon of rose water in 1 teaspoon of sandalwood powder, mix them well and apply this mixture on armpits and all those body parts where sweating is too much. This remedy reduces the excessive sweating. 

2. Add ½ cup of rose water in your regular bath water, this is one of the effective and easiest home remedy to eliminate body odor. 

13. Tomato juice

Grind 2 tomatoes and extract juice from it (you can use juicer). Strain this juice and add it to your bath water. Have a bath and see the results in few weeks.

14. Mint leaves

Crush handful of fresh green mint leaves and boil them in water, strain this water and add to your bath water. Mint juice reduces body odor effectively.

Prepare 1-2 tablespoon paste of fresh mint leaves and mix it with 2 tablespoon of rose water. Apply this on your underarms before going to bed, leave it overnight. Rinse it off in the morning.

15. Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass contains chlorophyll which reduces body odor very effectively. Add 2 tablespoon of wheatgrass juice in glass of water and consume it on an empty stomach. Drink this juice daily for better result.

16. Soap

Always use antibacterial soap or deodorant soap when bathing and properly clean your groin area and underarms. Using these soaps is very beneficial if the body odor occurs due to excessive sweating.

18. Bath

1. Bathing at least once a day controls the growth of bacteria our skin, which is the main reason for body odors. During the summer most of the people sweat excessively, so bath at least 2-3 times a day during hot days, to reduce the growth of germs on body.

2. Dry your body thoroughly after bath or shower, as bacteria grows rapidly on the damp skin. Dry your underarm, feet and groin area properly after washing.

19. Talcum powder or baby powder

Sprinkle some talcum powder or baby powder on the underarm area instead of chemical based deodorants to maintain the perspiration area dry. Powder soaks up surplus sweat and keeps the skin dry and cool for long time.

20. Baking soda or cornstarch

Sprinkle some baking soda or cornstarch on any the underarm area and other odor affected areas. These powders absorb excessive sweat and moisture from our body and baking soda powder kills bacteria that causes body odor.

21. Basil with lemon

Prepare 2 tablespoon paste of basil leaves and mix it with 2 tablespoon lemon juice. Ply this paste on your underarms before going to bed, leave it overnight to get rid of bad body odor effectively and wash it off with water in the morning.

22. Witch Hazel

Apply witch hazel to your underarm once or twice a day to get rid of body odor. Witch hazel works as effective antiseptic, which destroys the bacteria that creates the odour.

