
Diet, Fitness, Weight loss Secrets of Shilpa Shetty for New Moms


Pregnancy is a beautiful experience for every mother. However, unfortunately pregnancy makes the mother over weight that is difficult to shed. Most new mothers gain approximately 15-30 kg after giving birth to their offspring(s). This is because women eat more and do not exercise especially while they are pregnant.

These traits are also common amongst most famous celebrities and hence you need not worry. It has been observed that Bollywood women celebrities gain weight during their postpartum. Yet, they dedicate themselves and lose all the extra kilos.  One good example is Shilpa Shetty who is known to be a gorgeous and ageless diva.

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Every day, she inspires several new mothers to lose their extra weight. During her pregnancy, Shilpa Shetty gained 31 kilos because of her high fat diet. At that time, she used to consume milk, ghee and other fatty nutrients. Although Shilpa Shetty was worried that she may not achieve weight loss, she managed successfully.

She was engaged in regular vigorous workouts and ate a balanced diet on a daily basis. Shipa Shetty has shared how she used weight loss regime to shed her excess kilos.

Here are some of Shilpa Shetty’s secrets for new mothers wishing to look sensational and good. Also, following these suggestions helps in making new mothers fit.

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Post-Pregnancy Diet 

Breakfast: Shilpa drinks a glass of warm water, first thing in the morning along with bowl of papaya with some lemon juice. Then she drinks a cup of milk tea. In the breakfast, Shilpa either eats porridge or two boiled eggs. 

Lunch: 2 quinoa rotis or small bowl of brown rice with some dal, seasonal vegetables or fish. After lunch, she eats tablespoon of jaggery

Snacks: After two hours of lunch, a glass of slim yogurt or buttermilk. Tea in the evening with little brown sugar.

Dinner: Shilpa’s dinner includes a lettuce salad loaded with little boiled veggies, a salmon steak or turkey slice. Stir-fried vegetables or paneer and sour proteins soup.

Post-Pregnancy Workouts

Shilpa works-out five days a week- inclusive of strength training (2 days) yoga (2 days) and cardio (1 day). She meditates for 10-15 minutes after doing yoga as she believes that meditation helps a lot with weight loss.

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Seven tips by Shilpa Shetty

1.  After pregnancy, Shilpa concentrated on a balanced diet 
2.  Shilpa Shetty ensures that she is eating as per her diet plan. Her plan has been finalised for 6 days per week.
3.  Shilpa’s daily calories intake is 1800            
4.  Shilpa Shetty does not eat after 8 pm. This ensures that her last meal is eaten at least 3 hours before her bedtime.
5.  She drinks 10 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated
6.  Shilpa recommends eating raw nut butter, mustard, flax seeds and almond milk.
7.  Shilpa Shetty does not follow her strict diet regime on 1 day of the week. She calls this special day her “cheat day”. On this day, she indulges in satisfying all her cravings for forbidden foods.

Shilpa Shetty advises all new mothers to lose weight. However, she also adds that new mothers should not feel sorry for their weight gain. All new mothers should accept this natural process of gaining weight during pregnancy. In addition, they should schedule some time for nursing the new born baby or babies.

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Shilpa Shetty has advised new mothers to wait for at least 4 months after giving birth. The new mothers should start their diet plans only after those months have passed. “If your schedule doesn’t allow you to exercise, it is possible to lose 75% of your weight by eating a balanced-diet.” 

Women’s bodies work differently from one another. This is true even when women are engaged in weight loss. Some women lose weight slower than others. Hence, women should not over indulge in losing weight and select harsh diet methods. In the long run, these methods might increase the risk of poor health of the offspring(s).

Last but not least

Most significantly, you must understand that all celebrities have their personal dieticians at their disposal. These professional experts guide them and help in rectifying all their mistakes. Hence, when you follow the footsteps of celebrities, you should be careful and understand. Do not make the mistake of blindly following what the celebrities do.


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