
Want to lose weight? Sesame Seeds Help You Lose Weight and Belly fat

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Sesame seeds are rich in protein, iron, vitamins and phytonutrients like antioxidants, omega-6 fatty acids, flavonoid etc. and can improve digestion, respiratory and heart health.

Moreover, Sesame seeds can also burn belly fat and help you to lose weight. These seeds contain compounds like sesamolin and sesamin, powerful lignans which helps lower bad cholesterol, maintain blood pressure, and help you to lose unhealthy weight.

Here, we will talk about how Sesame seeds help you to burn fat and live healthy and energetic!

1. Low in sodium

Sesame seeds have low sodium content and regulate body fluids. Thus, it prevents fluid retention in our body.

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2. Rich in dietary fibre

High amount of dietary fibre present in sesame seeds plays significant role in weight loss as it makes digestive system healthier.

Foods rich in fibre help you to stay full for longer period, thus it prevent you from overeating. Fibre helps the fats and sugars you eat, to enter into the bloodstream at a balanced rate, and maintains your blood sugar levels. Thus it prevents unnecessary appetite.

3. Rich in Lignans

Furthermore, Sesame seeds contain lignans that burns fat due to which our body releases more fat-burning liver enzymes. Lignans also inhibit the development and absorption of cholesterol in the bloodstream and tend to decrease your fat metabolism.

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4. Loaded with proteins

Sesame seeds are rich source of protein, which improves your metabolic rate and manages appetite, which prevents excessive consumption of calories and this help you to burn unhealthy fat in the body.

5. Great source of Calcium

Sesame seeds are great source of calcium, which is very vital mineral that not only promotes superior bone health but also boosts weight loss. Additionally, the antioxidants present in sesame seeds help protect cells against oxidative stress and supports excretory organs to remove toxic waste from our body.

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How to use Sesame seeds for Weight loss and Belly fat

1. Sprinkle teaspoon of sesame seeds on salad and vegetables
2. You can also add these seeds in finger millet flour to make rotis
3. Add sesame seeds in your soup and sandwiches

So add sesame seeds in your regular diet but in moderate amount. Eat balanced diet, exercise regularly, engage in physical activities and live healthy life!  


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