
No Garlic and Onion Diet! Does Ayurveda Really Suggest This?

The usage of onion and garlic in Indian kitchens is indispensable. Both onion and garlic add flavours and offer several health benefits. Yet, according to Ayurveda you should not consume excessive amounts of onion and/or garlic.

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Ayurveda defines nutritional properties of food based on their six types of tastes. These include astringent, bitter, pungent, salty, sour, and sweet. Also, the qualities namely sattvarajas and tamas have to be taken into considerationAlthough onion and garlic are considered as excellent foods, they are not favoured by Ayurveda.

Role of Garlic and Onion in Ayurveda

Ayurveda has nothing against you eating onion and garlic. As a matter of fact, garlic is known to be an important medicine in Ayurveda. However, onion is known to be tamasic causing people to become irritable. Meanwhile, garlic is known to be rajasic causing disturbed sleep and drained energy. Hence, both these ingredients produce excessive body heat. Even though your body requires some amount of heat, excessive body heat leads to several health problems.

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Confusion between Ayurveda and spirituality

In Ayurveda, you can eat onion and garlic but, your intake should be in measured moderate quantities. The principles of Ayurveda are often confused with practise of yoga and spirituality. These practises recommend people to abstain from onions and garlic because both distract individual’s concentration. 

Health benefits of Onion and Garlic

Garlic has been used to prevent infections due to its anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties; it also reduces chances of cancer. Onions, on the other hand, reduces inflammation, removes toxins, reduces cough and regulates digestion.

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Hence, venture and add both onion and garlic to your foods you eat in daily diet. Only remember that consuming any food item in excess quantities is bad for your health. Always, limit to your intake to moderate amounts.


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