
Even a Little Weight exercises can Prevent a Heart Attack, Stroke, diabetes etc. Benefits of Strength Training

People wishing to lower your risk of getting a heart attack and/or stroke should practise weight-lifting. This has been confirmed and proved by a new research study on weight-lifting. People practising weight-lifting for less than 1 hour per week reduced their risk by 40-70%. In addition, people lowered their risk of metabolic syndrome (Diabetes) by 29%. Also, people decreased their high cholesterol by 32%.

There are several other health benefits from weight-lifting. Muscles act as the power plants for burning calories. Thereby, muscles help in preventing obesity but, they provide various long term health benefits. The muscles present in the joints and bones help in movement of the limbs.

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10 health benefits of weightlifting

1.  Weight training improves our overall health and it lead to longer lifespan
2.  Weightlifting is well-known for lowering stress levels because it increases levels of endorphin in the body.
3.  Weightlifting can improve metabolism which burns more fat even after the workout.
4.  It helps you build muscles, strengthen bones and reduces the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis.

5.  Strength training also prevents chronic diseases like Type 2 diabetes and cancer.
6.  Weight training workouts are good for our heart, our brain, your waistline and mental health.
7.  It can improve your posture, body language, sleep, mood and energy level.
8.  Strength training improves flexibility and mobility.
9.  It prevents osteoporosis and depression.
10.  Weightlifting can prevent back and waist pain.