Cure Psoriasis naturally - 23 Natural home remedies for Psoriasis - Part 3

16. Zinc

Did you know that lack of zinc is the underlying cause of psoriasis? You should eat food rich in zinc and take zinc supplements every day to supplement your diet.

Food rich in zinc - spinach, kidney beans, beef, flax seeds, oysters, pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds, lima beans, garlic, peanuts. 

Egg yolks, salmon, turkey, lobster, pork, chickpeas, dark chocolate, beef liver, brown rice, sesame seeds, peas, lamb, cashews, mushrooms, crab etc.

17. Coconut Oil

In order to prevent skin from getting too dry and to reduce the aggravation of lesion, lukewarm coconut oil can be applied to the affected areas for ½ hour. This should be done before taking a shower.

18. Aloe Vera

1.      Aloe vera gel, the translucent gel extracted from the aloe vera leaf, can be applied on the affected areas of the skin until it is completely absorbed. This procedure should be repeated 3 times every day for many weeks.

2.      A combination of aloe vera gel and garlic oil can also prove effective in healing the lesions of psoriasis.

19. Fish Oil

Fish oil contains omega-3-fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on scaling and patchiness of skin. 

1. Creams that contain fish oil can be applied to the affected area to alleviate the irritation. 

2. You can also consume fish oil supplements on a regular basis for relief.

20. Jasmine (Jasminum polyanthum)

Jasmine flowers are effective in treating the lesions of psoriasis. Make a paste of the flowers by crushing them and apply the paste directly on the inflamed areas of the skin. This will help decrease the pain and itching.

21. Vegetable Oil

Massaging the lesions of psoriasis with vegetable oil will help keep them hydrated as well as provide nutrients to the skin. Let the oil stay on your skin for 30 minutes.

22. Licorice

       1.      Licorice gels or creams may be applied to the affected areas of the skin twice every day for many weeks.

       2.      Take 6 cups of water and add 2 teaspoons of dried licorice root. Boil the powder for a while and then allow it to simmer for 40 minutes. 

Let the mixture cool, and then strain the solution. Soak a clean washcloth in it and apply it to the affected areas of the skin as a compress every day.

       3.      You can also make a mixture of licorice root and olive oil in a jar with a tight lid and keep it aside for 4-6 weeks. 

 4.   Alternatively, you can heat the mixture on low flame for many hours. Now, strain this oil and apply it to the affected area. 

Allow the oil to be completely absorbed by the body. Repeat the remedy 2-3 times every day until satisfactory results are seen.

23. Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum)

The extract of black nightshade leaves, when applied topically on the affected areas of the skin, help decrease inflammation and relieves pain and itching.