11 Best exercises to lose fat weight from hips and thighs - Part 2

5. Walking

Walking is a really valuable routine for reducing weight from hips and thighs. If you find that above exercises are very tough for you, you could start off by walking. You can do it anytime, anywhere without any particular equipment. You can truly target your glutes if you walk up on the hills, you can burn more calories by picking up the intensity, and it can assist if you are trying to reduce fat. A woman of 140-lb can burn about 300 calories per hour through a brisk walk. Morning walk is best for health.

6. Hip lift on the ball

This exercise is great for targeting the hips, butt as well as the lower back and the hamstrings. How to do?

Firstly lie on the ball with the support of neck, head and shoulders, with the bent knees and lifted toes.
Keep hold of medium-heavy weights on the hips, if desired.
Lower your hips towards the floor to start the move but devoid of rolling on the ball.
Compress the glutes to lift hips until your body comes in a straight line.
Do again for 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 16 reps.

Some other effective exercises to slim your thighs and hips include walking, swimming, running, biking, kickboxing, and wall slide.

7. Swimming

One more effectual daily workout you can do is a swimming. A regular routine of swimming for at least 30-minutes has been proven to be very helpful exercise to reduce the fat from the hips, thighs and legs, and to get them in a better shape.

8. Running

As similar to walking, running is easy which helps in weight loss, reduces stress, and makes you feel good. The plus point of running is that it really works on your hips, thighs and butt particularly when you add a few hills to your usual running route. Sprints are another option for individuals who want to burn more calories as well as to tighten up the tush. A woman of 140-lb can burn about 475 calories through a 45 minute jog.

9. Biking (Cycling)

Riding a bicycle not only targets the muscles of your thighs, hips and butt, but also great for your heart. You can do biking on a stationary bicycle by alternate 3 minutes at 70 to 80 RPM and 2 minutes at 100 to 110 RPM for a 45 minute calorie-blasting workout. A woman of 140-lb can burn about 335 calories through a 45 minute biking. You can try the riding outside or even try Spinning at the gym. If you want to really work your glutes, you can do it by standing up while biking and thus you can also increase your resistance.

10. Kickboxing

This is an outstanding exercise for the whole body including the thighs, hips and glutes. Controlled roundhouses, sidekicks, front kicks and back kicks target thighs, hips and butt, whereas intricate combinations which include punches will work on your abs to strengthen them. A woman of 140-lb can burn about 500 calories through a 45 minute of kickboxing.

11. Wall slide

This is another effectual work out which doesn't need any equipment and you can do at home. For doing this, you will require to stand alongside a wall with your back. After that, sit down gradually on an imaginary chair, in a way that your back is flat alongside the wall and your knees are bent at right angles. By this way, you cannot only target the fat of thighs and hips, but also you can tone your muscles.

