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12 Unbelievable Adverse Side Effects of Lemon Juice

Lemon has a reputation of being good for many things such as skin care, weight loss, digestion, scurvy treatment, gout treatment, respiratory disorder treatment, and so on. 

We rarely hear about the side effects of consuming or applying lemon juice. However, although there are so many advantages to using lemon juice, there are also several disadvantages.

Vitamin C pills taste sour because they contain organic acids like citric acid and ascorbic acid. In lemon juice, the presence of vitamin C, other vitamins, and minerals give many healthful benefits to the body. However, if overused, lemon juice can cause some adverse effects.

1. Reacts against skin

It is recommended that lemon juice and lemon oil be applied to oily skin to reduce the oiliness. However, lemon juice can increase the sensitivity of the skin to light. For people with sensitive skins, it could be unwise to put lemon juice directly. Thus, it is important to be careful when using lemon juice for the skin.

2. Sunburn

People with light colored skin have most commonly reported allergies to lemon oil. Also, people who know that they are allergic to lemon oil should not put it directly on the skin. When these people go out into the sun, the presence of lemon oil makes the skin burn. This phenomenon is known as photosensitization. It occurs due to the presence of a chemical substance called oxypeucedanin in lemon oil.

3. Acts as a trigger for gastro esophageal reflux disorder (GERD)

Lemon juice has a tangy taste and is used to add a snappy twist to food. However, the acidic properties of lemon juice can induce GERD which is signaled by symptoms like vomiting, nausea, and heartburn. Lemon juice can chafe at the lining of the esophagus and cause the person to develop GERD.

4. Delays healing of ulcers

Lemon juice should not be consumed by people suffering from ulcers in the stomach because the acidic properties of lemon irritate the stomach lining. This may delay the healing of the ulcer and prevent it from getting cured.

5. Promotes formation of tumors

Surprisingly, the distilled oil of lemon has the potential to encourage the formation of tumors if other cancer-causing chemicals are also present. Although this has still remained a theory and has not actually occurred, however, it is a distinct possibility.


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