Anxious About Your First Period? Frequently Asked Questions About First Period

Anxious about your first period? We’re certain your head is buzzing with questions and anticipation! Check out these eight common questions from girls just like you.


1.  Most periods last 3-8 days. The average duration is 5-6 days.
2.  On average, teen/girls get their period between 12-13 years old.
3.  It generally takes 1-3 years after your first period to settle into a normal/regular cycle.
4.  Blooding seems like so much more, but normally we lose less than (60ml) 4 tablespoons of blood during menstrual period.
5.  Your period is the first phase of your monthly menstrual cycle. Called the follicular phase, it signals that a mature egg is released from the ovary.
6.  Before your menstrual period, it is common to experience breast tenderness, headache, bloating, and swelling of the extremities.

1. How old will I be when I get my first period?

A few young ladies begin their first period at 8 or 9 years of age, while others don't begin it until they're 15 or 16. 

The normal age is 12 or 13. The most ideal approach to make sense of when you may begin menstruating is to search for different indications of improvement, and ask your mother or elder sister when they began their first period.

2. How do I know if my first period is coming?

Search for indications of your first period. First and foremost, your breasts will begin to develop, and hair may start to develop in the pubic zone (between your legs) and in your armpits. Amid this time you may notice a whitish discharge from your vagina. This is normal. A couple of months after that, you'll likely begin your first period. When it really starts, you may feel sogginess on your clothing, which is likely a couple of drops of blood.

3. Why haven’t I started my period yet?

Everybody has her own "biological clock," and yours is not the same as anybody else's. So regardless of the possibility that you have a feeling that you'll never get your period, don't stress, you will!

4. How long will my period last?

It's distinctive for everybody. A few young ladies menstruate for just three days, while others may menstruate for the length of seven or eight. The normal is four to five days.

6. Is there any way to stop my periods every month?

Menstrual flow is the result of hormonal activity. Accordingly, there is no medicinally safe approach to stop feminine cycle or control the amount of flow. It is healthy and totally normal to have your period every month. So stay positive.

7. When will I stop having my period for good?

Ladies get periods until menopause, which is when monthly cycle and the ability to have kids stops. In most ladies, it typically happens in their late 40s or early 50s. However menopause can happen prior or later. Some ladies may stop monthly cycle when they're 35 years of age, and others may not stop until their late 50s.

8. What if I never get my period?

Young ladies who achieve the age of 16 without menstruating may have primary amenorrhea (absence of menstrual flow). Primary amenorrhea requires cautious medicinal testing, diagnosis and treatment, so we recommend you counsel your family.

