Best time to eat banana for Fat burn and weight loss

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Banana is rich source of essential vitamins, minerals, potassium, carbohydrates and fibre. 

Consumption of banana is beneficial in constipation, blood pressure, anaemia and depression. 

It contains insoluble resistance starch that helps in lowering the glycaemic index, improves the digestion process and stimulates the fat-burning process.
Yes, you read right! Bananas can promote weight loss. In his article, I shall talk about the best time to eat bananas for weight loss.

When should Banana be eaten?

Eating bananas in the morning along with several other fruit or breakfast like oatmeal can help in burning down the deposited fat.

Eating banana in the noon can sooth heartburn, as it works as antacid.

But remember, no specific fruit or food alone can break down the fats. Hence, it is significant to undergo calorie-burning programs.

Moreover, peel of banana is also good for your skin health. Gently rub the inner part of the peel before going to bed and leave it overnight. It will treat your pimples and gives you glowing skin.

This amazing fruit will certainly improve your health and look. Banana is strong fruit but if you consume it in adequate amount, it can promote weight loss.

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