25 Best Natural Home Remedies for Stomach Pain, Acidity | Upset Stomach - Part 2

7. Soda and Lemon

Baking soda has an alkaline property which helps in restore the pH balance in the body and fights the stomach infections, thus it reduces stomach pain and acidity. On the other hands, lemon is a rich source of vitamin C and powerful antioxidant which eliminates free radicals and detoxifies our body naturally.

Add 2 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of baking soda in glass of warm water, also add pinch of table salt or rock salt and drink it immediately before the bubble sizzle out. After few minutes you will get relief from stomach pain and indigestion. Repeat this remedy 2-3 times a day for fast relief. Avoid this remedy if you are suffering from high blood pressure or if you are on low sodium diet.

8. Lemon and Club Soda

1. Mix 2 tablespoon of fresh lemon or lime juice in glass of club soda and immediately drink the mixture. The carbonation in club soda encourages you to burp, hence it helps relieving pressure in your stomach. It is very beneficial in constipation and indigestion.

9. Rice Water

To reduce stomach pain, one should consume only mild and tasteless food. Water of rice is a bland food that works as a demulcent that means it reduces inflammation and acids from the stomach by forming a kind of soothing barrier over a membrane and reduces pain and irritation caused by it.

1.      Take 1 cup of plain white rice and boil it in the 2 small glass of water. Cook the rice over medium-low heat without any cover on pot. When the rice starts to become tender, remove the pot from the heat and let it soak for 3-5 minutes with the lid on the pot. Then strain the water, allow it to cool and drink it adding 1 tablespoon of honey or pinch of salt. Do this twice a day.

2.      Alternatively, eat bowl of rice with cup of yogurt, also add pinch of salt or pinch of black pepper powder to it. Repeat this 3 times a day for relief from stomach pain.

10. Peppermint

Peppermint has antispasmodic properties, which helps reduce the stomach pain caused by indigestion and acidity reflux. Peppermint leaves and tea (tea made from fresh leaves or readymade peppermint tea) can help relax your stomach muscles. It also improves the flow of bile, which helps easy and fast digestion. Peppermint is particularly helpful indigestion or gas/bloating.

1.      Take 8-10 fresh or dried peppermint leaves crush them and boil them in 2 cup of water for 5-8 minutes. Then remove it from the heat and add 1 tablespoon of honey and pinch of black pepper powder in it. Drink the cup of mixture. Repeat this 3 times a day for fast pain relief.

2.      You can also add fresh or dried peppermint leaves to your regular or herbal tea. Simply boil the leaves with your tea and drink it. Do this 2-3 times a day.

3.      Take 8-10 fresh mint leaves; crush them to make paste of it. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and pinch of black pepper powder (optional), mix them well and consume this mixture three times a day for quick relief.

11. Pomegranate Seeds

Take 2 tablespoon of pomegranate seeds and crush them. Add pinch of salt, pinch of black pepper powder or turmeric and 1 teaspoon of honey to it. Mix all the ingredients properly and consume this mixture with cup of warm water. Repeat the remedy 2-3 times a day.

12. Fenugreek (methi) Seeds

Mix 1 tablespoon of fenugreek or methi seeds powder with bowl of curd, mix them finely and consume it 2-3 times a day to get rid of stomach pain.

13. Aniseeds

Chewing aniseeds can give you relief from stomach pain. Soak 1 tablespoon of aniseeds in a glass of water overnight and in the morning, eat these seeds and drink the water on an empty stomach.

